School Governance Council Cohort 2- Charter Schools
Who serves on a School Governance Council? Each School Governance Council is comprised of: 3 parents/guardians elected by the parents/guardians with children enrolled at the school 2 teachers elected by school employees 2 school-based employees appointed by the principal 2 community members nominated by the principal and approved by the School Governance Council The principal (non-voting) For high schools: 2 students (non-voting)
What is the role of the School Governance Council? Approve the school strategic plan and updates Approve the annual budget recommendations Manage the Request for Flexibility process Participate in hiring of the principal, in the case of a vacancy Provide annual feedback on principal performance Interface with the school’s Title I Committee (if applicable)
Are there any qualifications I must meet in order to run for a seat on the School Governance Council? Yes, if running for a parent/guardian position, you must meet the following criteria: You must have a child who attends the school. You may not be an employee of the school You cannot run for or participate on more than one School Governance Council at the same time. Only one family member may serve on a school’s School Governance Council at the same time. (See Fulton County Schools Code of Conduct for definition of “family.”) You must be at least 18 years old. You cannot be an elected official from any government entity. Upon election you will be fingerprinted and subject to a criminal background check.
Are there specific requirements or rules School Governance Council members must follow? Attend at least 75% of the School Governance Council’s scheduled meetings. The meeting schedule will be published for the entire year at the beginning of the fiscal year. Serve, actively, on at least one committee of the Council, attending at least 75% of the scheduled committee meetings (the schedule will be published for the entire year at the beginning of each fiscal year) and carrying out activities within the committee structure. Act as an ambassador for the school by interacting, on a regular basis, with the school community. This may include school meetings and events. Abide by the School Governance Council governance regulations and procedures at all times. Abide by state law with regard to meetings of the School Governance Councils and other matters. Attend School Governance Council trainings as required for members of School Governance Councils.
How long do School Governance Council members serve? During this start-up phase of the School Governance Councils at Cohort 2 schools, members will be elected in the fall of 2013 to participate in the Planning Year (upon election through June 30, 2014) and then serve either a 1 year term (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015) or a 2 year term (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016). Candidates running for a position on the School Governance Council during the fall 2013 election will choose whether they want to run for a 1-year term or a 2-year term. After this start-up phase, elections will be held annually in the spring. Beginning in the spring of 2015, all members’ terms will be 2-year terms.
What is the time commitment of the School Governance Council? Time commitment will vary from school to school and across the year, but expect an average of 4-5 hours per month. This includes meetings, training, and school and community events. Each School Governance Council must hold a minimum of 6 meetings over the course of a year. Each School Governance Council member will participate on a committee of the School Governance Council, which will hold additional meetings. While these meetings may vary in length, 1 hour per meeting is a good estimate. In addition to formal meetings, it is expected that School Governance Council members will participate in school functions and school-related community activities. All School Governance Council members (other than student members) will be required to participate in annual training. The training is expected to take approximately 8 hours each year and members will have a number of different time slots from which to choose to accommodate. Additional training will be added as needed. Members elected in the fall 2013 elections will participate in training during January or February of 2014.
Community Information Session: School Governance Councils September 9, :00 pm – 7:30 pm: Love T. Nolan ES Cafeteria 2725 Creel Road, College Park GA September 11, :00 pm – 7:30 pm: Dunwoody Springs ES Cafeteria 8100 Roberts Dr. Sandy Springs, GA September 16, :00 pm – 7:30 pm: Chattahoochee HS Auditorium 5230 Taylor Road Johns Creek, GA September 17, :00 pm – 7:30 pm: Mimosa ES Cafeteria 1550 Warsaw Road Roswell, GA September 18, :00 pm – 7:30 pm: Langston Hughes HS Auditorium 7510 Hall Road Fairburn, GA September 23, :00 pm – 7:30 pm: Johns Creek HS Auditorium 5575 State Bridge Road Johns Creek, GA September 24, :00 pm – 7:30 pm: Tri-Cities HS Auditorium 2575 Harris St. East Point, GA September 26, :00 pm – 7:30 pm: Northwestern MS Gymnasium Birmingham Hwy Milton, GA Who should attend? Parents, guardians, community members, and school staff from Cohort 2 schools interested in learning about the School Governance Council