facebook Character Name: status WallPhotosFlairBoxesSocratesLogout View photos of (Socrates) (8) Send Socrates a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Athens Birthday: 470 to 469 a.c Civilization: Athens Religion: (?) Hometown: Athens Friends Socrates: I am credited as the founder of the Socratic Method. Socrates: My students Plato did The Republic, the definition of justice. Date: 380 B.C Socrates: Plato and Xenophone are my students. Socrates: Arquelao was my teacher, he introduced me in the fisics. Socrates: My student named Aristophanes did a play named the Cloud, it was about a clown that teaches students how to go out of debt. Socrates: I clashed with Athenian politics and society. I am going to be excecuted. Xantipa Quere- fonte Arquelao Plato Xenophone Antisthenes
Personal Information facebook Character Name: status WallPhotosFlairBoxesSocratesLogout View photos of (Name) (x) Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Athens Birthday: 470 to 469 a.c Civilization: Athens Religion: Hometown: Athens Photos Networks: Athens Sex: Male Birthday: 470 to 469 a.c Hometown: Athens Relationship Status: Married Civilization: Greek Religious Views: Activities: Teach Interests: Philosophy, physics Favorite Music: Classical Music Favorite Movies: Love is evil Favorite TV Shows: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Favorite Books:The Republic, The Nicomachean Ethics Disciples (3 Albums Profile Photos Contact Information Address:Athens Other Contact: Insert Picture Here
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesSocratesLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of (character) (4 number of photos) Socrates Albums (3) Photo Alums Disciples(3 ) photos Family 5) photos Profile Pictures (1) photo Socrates Insert Picture Here