ER01/JA01, th Session of the JINR Scientific Council Dubna, March 27, 2006 Participation of JINR scientists in joint experiments at Paul Scherrer Institut Ralph Eichler, Director
ER01/JA01, Recent collaborative efforts 1.Heavy element research 2.Detector development (avalanche photo diodes, APD) 3.Particle physics: (i) e conversion, e (ii) pion beta decay, (iii) e 1.UCN physics (i) UCN source development (FLNP) (ii) nEDM (DLNP, to be confirmed!) (iii) neutron lifetime (FLNP, to be confirmed!)
ER01/JA01, % of PSI funding for design and operation of facilities and support of users SLS Energy Technology SINQ Biology Proton Accelerator Nano Technology Proton Therapy Hotlaboratory SSSS Particle Physics
ER01/JA01, Chemical Confirmation of Dubnium production in the Nuclear Reaction of 48 Ca with 243 Am MeV 125 ms 1 MeV 5.2 s Mt 9.71 MeV 1.03 s Bh 0.69 s MeV SF 23.1 hr 205 MeV s 5 9.02 MeV Db 268 PHYSICAL REVIEW C 69, (R) (2004) Nuclear Chemistry at FLNR (PSI) : (JINR, LLNL, PSI) Radiochemical separation procedure developed at PSI: Unambiguous chemical identification of Db → new long-lived isotope of dubnium → indirect confirmation for element 115 New experiment planned for chemical identification of element 112 (April-May 06) PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72, (2005) Nuclear Physics at FLNR 2003: (JINR, LLNL)
ER01/JA01, Fast Timing with AMPD Arrays in High Magnetic Fields (5 T) Sadygov, Zhuk, Gritsaj, Mamedov (JINR), Scheuermann, Stoykov, Renker (PSI) AMPD array: 4x type mW-3 Scintillator: EJ-230/BC-418 (2x10x10 mm 3 ) Signal shape for minimum ionizing particles Time resolution of a telescope (2 arrays)
ER01/JA01, Summary of Lepton Flavour Violating experiments → e → eA → eee SUSY SU(5) BR( e ) = A eA = BR( ) = Current Limits: BR( + e + ) < 1.2 x (MEGA) 1) Ti eTi < 7 x (SINDRUM II) 2) 1) hep-ex/ ) A. van der Schaaf, priv. comm. BR Year MEG “Supersymmetric parameterspace accessible by LHC” W. Buchmueller, DESY, priv. comm.
ER01/JA01, The MEG Detector Japan, Italy, Russia (JINR, Novosibirsk), Switzerland Solenoidal magnetic spectrometer LXe for efficient detection Drift Chamber for Positron detection Timing Counter for time measurement Drift Chamber Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector COBRA Magnet Timing Counter
ER01/JA01, The MEG Detector Japan, Italy, Russia (JINR, Novosibirsk), Switzerland Solenoidal magnetic spectrometer LXe for efficient detection Drift Chamber for Positron detection Timing Counter for time measurement Drift Chamber Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector Timing Counter
ER01/JA01, Pion Betadecay at PSI Arizona, JINR, PSI, Tbilisi, Swierk, Virginia, Zagreb First phase: 0.8% accuracy Stopped pion experiment: 10 6 /s * 1 y beam time, relative measurement BR = BR e N e.. corrections N BR ° BR = (experiment) = (prediction) V ud = (experiment) = (PDG) FAFA = FVFV =
ER01/JA01, Ultra-cold Neutrons Ratio of matter to radiation in the universe is n(B)/n( )=10 -9 observed, but predicted At the big bang time reversal symmetry was violated and therefore matter dominates over antimatter and the neutron should have an electric dipole moment Time reversal dd
ER01/JA01, Measurement of the neutron EDM G. Ban, Th. Lefort, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, G. Rogel 1 Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Caen, France K. Bodek, St. Kistryn, M. Kuzniak 2, J. Zejma Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland N. Khomytov, B.M. Sabirov, N.N. (to be confirmed!) Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia P. Knowles, M. Rebetez, A. Weis Departement de Physique, Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland C. Plonka Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France G. Quéméner, D. Rebreyend, M. Tur Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Grenoble, France M. Daum, R. Henneck, S. Heule 3, M. Kasprzak 4, K. Kirch, A. Pichlmaier Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland also at: 1 Institute Laue-Langevin, 2 Paul Scherrer Institut, 3 University of Zürich, 4 SMI Vienna