Airports in the Supply Chain What Does the Future Hold? Presentation by Col Fraser to 2004 MEJET Conference Bahrain 11th May, 2004 Aviation Fuel Associates (Australia) Pty Ltd
PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES To provide an insight into the aviation industry fuelling and associated services - globally and regionally. To identify trends, areas of change, opportunity and threat.
Airports Suppliers Aircraft Operators AirlinesAirports/SuppliersOil Companies BAA ASIG Hoctief Star One World Wings Skyteam Air China Air Afrique Vietnam Air Garuda ExxonMobil Shell Air BP Chevron/Texaco Total/Elf/Fina ? ADNOC KPC KAFCO Saudi Aramco Repsol SPC Skytanking BAPCO Swissport Globeground Fluid Transfer The House of Aviation
Into Plane Fuelling Airport Storage & Hydrant Distribution Intermediate Storage Supply Refining Supply Intermediate Storage Distribution Airport Storage & Hydrant Into Plane Fuelling ROW USA TREND OPEN ACCESS CLOSED ACCESS USA vs ROW Aviation Structure
Airport Fuel – Structures and Stakeholders Solus or Joint Ventures Joint Ventures Partners - Oil, Airlines, Airports, IP’s, Other Structures Operational issues Opportunities and Threats - opening up
Airport Fuel – Influencing Factors Privatisation Globalisation Airline Profitability Low/No Frills Airlines Changing Traditional Structures Airport Capacity and Capability Environmental Considerations Quality, Safety and Security Aspects
The Future Continuing strong growth - long term Global with strong regional focus - Asian impact Technologically Driven Commodity Based Attitudes Fewer larger players Growing Environmental, Safety & Security Focus Increasing Privatisation and Open Access
Opportunities, Threats & Conclusions Ongoing strong global growth in products and services Traditional Oil Industry structures vulnerable Airlines driving change Existing JV framework becoming difficult Transparency will drive cost management Airports are an emerging force EU and global legislation HS&E requirements increasingly important Public awareness a factor
Recommendations Be Alert, Knowledgeable and Aware Know the Costs Have Good Leadership Take the Initiative EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED