NHSS National Honor Society Meeting #1 September 18, 2008
The Officers Zach Campbell……………………… President Ambica Sastry…………………… Vice President Molly Bruckman & Alex Chen…………Treasurers Lauren Barry, Will Hedrich, & Julie Rahilly…………………………………Secretaries Mayesha Quesam………………………….Web Master Ms. Leonas……………………………………………….Advisor
Guidelines Attendance at meetings is expected (see Ms. Leonas if you can’t attend) 10 Credits/yr –senior credits due by June 1 st & junior credits by June 30 th May earn up to 3 outside credits You’re responsible for your hours –Keep track and SHOW UP (otherwise lose 1 credit) Maintain a 4.0 GPA Maintain Exemplary Conduct Participate in fundraisers
Deadlines Dues: $10.00 due before Dec. 15 th or induction Summer Credits: Any volunteering done over the summer can be counted as credits with a note from the volunteer coordinator. The information must be submitted to Ms. Leonas in B2022 by October 1st.
Today’s Agenda Update Forms Collect Dues –bring to Treasurers or Ms. Leonas Tutor Forms –Let us know who is interested! Summer Credit Collection PLT: no credit awarded for time associated w/ the PLT Open House/orientation: if you were involved, bring in a note from your supervisor (but not as PLT)
Upcoming Credits September: Mine Falls Trail Days- clean up the park. Dates include 9/20 and 10/18 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Tutoring- Available all year. 1 Credit per hour. October: NHIAA JV State Meet- Volunteers needed throughout the event. Friday, 10/24; 2:30-5 pm. State Track Meet- Volunteers needed for set up assistance. Friday, 10/31; 2:30-5 pm Nashua Public Library-Move boxes of books for book sale. Wednesday, 10/22; 7-9 pm
October (cont.) Nashua Public Library-Move boxes, help during book sale. Saturday, 10/25; 4 shifts available. *7:15 to 9:15; 9 to 11; 11 to 1; 1 to 3. (*Panera breakfast!) Also Sunday, 10/26-break down tables, move boxes. 2 shifts: 1-3 pm; 3:30-5:30 pm.
November: XC State Championship- 11/1; 1 to 4 pm.
Additional Information Visit our website: for credit lists and opportunities, officer contacts, and meeting minutes. Room B2022 for Ms. Leonas