Paul VanRaden Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Beltsville, MD, USA 2004 Genetic Base and Trait Definition Update
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (2)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Previous USA Base Changes 1965Predicted Difference (subtract mean yield) 1974Modified Contemporary Comparison 1984Red & White and Holstein bases separated 1989Red & White and Holstein bases merged, Animal Model 1995Age-Parity adjustments (changed trend) 2000Lifetime Net Merit, true protein (SD change)
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (3)P.M. VanRaden Trait and Model Changes Adjust for past inbreeding and expected future inbreeding (EFI) Adjust for differing parity SD Yield PTA expressed to average age instead of mature equivalent Use cow instead of bull base for DPR Convert PTA SCS to Udder Health?
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (4)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Genetic Gain (birth year) BVHOJEBSGUAYMS Prot (kgs) Fat (kgs) Milk (kgs) Prod Life SCS DPR (%)
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (5)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Daughter Pregnancy Rate Bases PTA DPRHOJEBSGUAYMS 1995 cow mean progress Base change
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (6)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Inbreeding Adjustments VanRaden and Smith 1999 JDS 82:2771 Past inbreeding (F) and future (EFI) Regression on F in animal model (PTA 0 ) PTA EFI = PTA 0 + EFI * b yield.F Publish PTA EFI, use PTA 0 in mating program Helps pass Interbull trend tests 2 and 3 Corr (current PTA, PTA EFI ) =.9976 PTA EFI trend 6% lower, PTA 0 trend 3% higher Corr (USA, other countries) decline by.01
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (7)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Parity SD Adjustments Multiplicative age factors Means are adjusted to mature yield Variances are not quite equal Deviations will be multiplied by [ ] (parities 1-5) Helps pass Interbull trend test 1 Corr (official, adjusted PTA) =.9998 for Holstein bulls born since 1995
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (8)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Adjust Yield PTA to Average Age Average age vs. mature offsets base SD Base SD has not been updated since 1995 Change would multiply PTA by 1.11 (Hol) Reduced age (36 mo) divides by 1.10 PTA lb / EBV kg = 2.2 / 2 = 1.10 Proposed by USDA (M. Schutz) in 1994 Recommended by Holstein GAC, Oct 1994 Vetoed by Council “to allow the industry time to consider the nature and effect of such a change.”
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (9)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Somatic Cell Count Measured with same standard metric unit (cells / ml) in every country Transformed by log 2, log 10, or log e Reversed scales in 9 of 19 countries Added means of 100, 3, 4, etc. Changed SD to report EBV, PTA, or STA Different choice in almost every country!
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (10)P.M. VanRaden 2004 International Udder Health Scales CtryUnitMeanSDDirCtryUnitMeanSDDir USAPTA NLDRBV1004+ CANPTA DNKRBV1005+ BELEBV SWERBV1007+ JPNEBV DEURBV AUSEBV0.11-ITASTA41+ GBRPTA013-FRASTA01+ HUNSTA01-ESPSTA01+
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (11)P.M. VanRaden 2004 SCS vs. Udder Health PTA UH = -5 (PTA SCS – breed avg.) Reversed scale with mean 0, SD 1 Interpreted like linear trait STAs Positive numbers would be favorable Range would be similar to DPR, PL +1 PTA UH would equal a reduction in SCC of 13% Udder Health is an Interbull term
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (12)P.M. VanRaden 2004 SCS Breed Means SCSHOJEBSGUAYMS Difference Instead use: 3.00
ADSA-ASAS JOINT MEETING 2004 (13)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Summary Genetic progress in most recent 5 years similar to previous 5 years Adjustments for inbreeding and for differing parity SD will be introduced PTA SCS will not change to udder health February 2005 changes must be sent to Interbull by September 1, 2004