Spider Activity
Spider Info Phylum, Arthropoda; Class, Arachnida; Order, Araneae Adult Males and Females Male pedipalps usually enlarged, looking like boxing gloves. Positive Spiders help manage insect populations by eating lots of insects Negative The spider's bite may cause pain but in most cases, the venom is usually harmless. Avoid using black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders
The list Tranatula Recluse Cellar Funnel Web Running Crab Jumping Crab Fishing Wolf Orb Weavers Writing Cobweb Long Jawed Orb Weavers
Types of Spiders Writing or common Garden Spider
What’s Your Identity
Identity Thru Web Design
Types of Webs-Funnel
Spiral Orb Web
Dome Web
Tangle or Cob Webs
Under the Influence
Spider Anatomy - internal
Spider Anatomy - External
Spider Activity Purpose: (sentence form) spider anatomy, physiology and dwellings Pictures with Labels Data Table with label Ending Paragraph: ( 4- more sentences) Interesting spider facts Stories from the courtyard Neat web design
Watch out!