Looking for Life “Out There” “ All this world is heavy with the promise of greater things, and a day will come when beings shall stand upon this Earth as one stands upon a footstool, and shall laugh and reach their hands amidst the stars” H.G. Wells, 1902
Is there life in the universe? Class Opinions: YES! 13 NO! 0 Maybe? 0
What are we searching for?
Is it reasonable to imagine life beyond Earth?
Where should we search for life?
IO Europa
Where should we search for life?
Could Aliens be searching for us?
What is the study of Astrobiology? The science of life in the universe involves ASTRONOMY PlANETARY SCIENCE BIOLOGY
1.The origins of life and the conditions necessary to support ongoing life 2.Looking for these conditions in our solar system and around other stars 3.Looking for actual life Astrobiology focuses on:
Three Questions: 1.Should we search for extraterrestrial life? 2.Should the US government/NASA fund this research with public money? 3.Many people believe we have already been visited by “aliens”. Do you know of any examples and how does this relate to the science of Astrobiology?