BoM/GNSS RO ACTIVITIES and PLANS John Le Marshall Director, JCSDA 2004-2007 CAWCR 2007-2010.


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Presentation transcript:


John Le Marshall 1,2, Yi Xiao 1, Robert Norman 3, Kefei Zhang 3, Anthony Rea 4, Lidia Cucurull 5,Lars-peter Riishojgaard 5, Rolf Seecamp 4, Peter Steinle 1, Chris Tingwell 1 S. Healy 6 … and Tan Le 1 1 CAWCR, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia 2 Physics Dept., Latrobe University, Australia 3 RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia 4 Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia 5 JCSDA, Camp Springs, USA 6 UKMO John Le Marshall Director, JCSDA CAWCR

Overview The Importance of Satellite Data in the SH Recent GNSS/RO Activites Data Assimilation – Current and Future Current Plans related to GNSS/RO Summary CAWCR

Anomaly correlation for days 0 to 7 for 500 hPa geopotential height in the zonal band 20°- 80° for January/February. The red arrow indicates use of satellite data in the forecast model in the Southern Hemisphere has doubled the length of a useful forecast.

GPS/GNSS meteorology in Australia Ground-based GPS Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network  Australian Regional GPS Network (ARGN) built in 1990s  Regional GPSnet built since mid 1990s  Recent Australian government initiative (NCRIS) to established gridded CORS across the country (National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy)  Ground based GPS Met. under development for operations

GPS/GNSS meteorology in Australia FedSat – Federation Satellite  An Australian micro-satellite  a small demonstration project - 58 kg microsatellite which carries experimental equipment for space science research  launched in Dec 2002 (NASDA/Japan), 5yrs lifetime  A GPS receiver was onboard Recent BoM-RMIT collaboration to look at the issues related to  Weather forecasting & climate monitoring e.g.  data assimilation  reanalysis  Climate monitoring / Climate prediction (global warming) Ideally in real-time  Tropical cyclone hazards  Drought/water storage problems in Western Australia, Drought Bush Fire Cyclones


GPS/COSMIC 24 transmitters 6 receivers3000 occultations/day

[CIMSS- 1992]

Information content from1D-Var studies IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) RO (Radio Occultation) (Collard+Healy, QJRMS,2003)

NWP Suite: Australian Community Climate Earth System Simulator (ACCESS) Derived from UKMO Unified Model Global N144 L50 (ACCESS-G) Period Examined: 26/2/09 26/03/09 Australian Region Data Impact Studies

COSMIC v RADIOSONDE (T) UCAR RO DATA 26/2/09 26/3/09 C0=3.0

Lev(km) Mean RMS N COSMIC v RADIOSONDE 26/2/09 26/3/09 CO=3.0

FUTURE Develop an improved forward operator (refractivity) operator Provide improved error characterization of observations (Examination of bias, ionospheric effects,…..) Develop improved orbital prediction Use GPS RO observations to improve absolute accuracy of analyses Fig.1. Differences in Perigee height.

GNSS PLANS Australians Space Research Program (ASRP) GPS/RO Proposal The Bureau is the leader of a consortium which submitted a bid for ASRP funding. The consortium includes a Canadian satellite manufacturer, a scientific and engineering firm from South Australia, Environment Canada and the Queensland University of Technology. The bid seeks funding for a Phase A study into the design and launch of an operational GPS-RO mission. If successful, further funding will be sought from ASRP for manufacture, integration and operation and these future funding rounds will provide opportunities for additional partners including RMIT and UNSW.

Summary COSMIC data has been successfully assimilated into the currentACCESS-G system and is about to be tested in the next generation BoM computer (We are currently upgrading our operational computer and NWP forecast suite.) Data impact studies with COSMIC data will be used to optimize the Forward Operator (refractivity or bending angle) and assimilation methodology for operations. Error characterization of the GPS/RO data and profiles will continue and feedback will be provided as appropriate to UCAR/CDAAC on the quality of the GPS RO data and profiles. Bureau of Meteorology led Australian Space Research Program GPS/RO Proposal under consideration by Government Space Policy Unit

Looking Down Is Looking Up TC LAURENCE - Dec. 2009