Structure and dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster Dominique Proust GEPI, Observatoire de Meudon, France
Collaborators Andreas Reisenegger (Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile). Hernan Quintana (Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile). Eric Slezak (Observatoire de Nice, France). Hernan Muriel (Observatorio Astronomico, Cordoba, Argentina). Laerte Sodré (IAG-USP, Sao-Paulo, Brazil). E. Rodrigo Carrasco (Gemini Observatory, La Serena, Chile). Michael J. Drinkwater (University of Queensland, Australia). Quentin A. Parker (Macquarie University and AAO, Australia). Cinthia J. Ragone (Observatorio Astronomico, Cordoba, Argentina).
APM survey of the southern sky
F 2MASS Galactic chart
Shapley from the DSS DSS
Galaxy density in the core of the Shapley Supercluster
Mercurio et al. 2006
ObservatoryTelescopeInstrument Vel Reference miscellaneousmiscellaneousmiscellaneous 1987 NED database LCO (Chile)100” Du Pont2D-Frutti 2868 Quintana et al LCO (Chile)100” Du Pont2D-Frutti 1201 Quintana et al AAO (Australia) UKSTFLAIR-II 710 Drinkwater et al. 1999,2004 AAO (Australia) UKST FLAIR-II 1411 FLASH Kaldare et al AAO (Australia) UKST 6dF 584 6dFGS Jones et al ESO (Chile) 3.60m OPTOPUS/MEFOS 1589 Bardelli et al to 2001 ESO (Chile) 3.60m MEFOS 179 Quintana et al Sources of the catalogue with velocities for 8632 galaxies
6dFGS Aitoff projection Of Galactic Coordinates D. Heath Jones Mika A. Read, Will Saunders Matthew Colless Tom Jarrett, Thomas Mauch Anthony P. Fairall Elaine M. Sadler Quentin A Parker Fred G. Watson Lachlan A. Campbell Paul Cass, John Dawe Kristin Fiegert Leela Frankombe Malcolm Hartley John Huchra,Dionne James Emma Kirbyn, Ofer Lahav John Lucey, Gary Mamon Lesa Moore, Sayuri Prior Bruce A. Peterson Dominique Proust Ken Russell, Vicky Safouris Ken-ichi Wakamatsu Eduard Westra Mary Williams
6dF team Heath Jones, Read, Saunders, Colless, Proust et al. MNRAS, 2007
Mlim=17.0Mlim=17.5 Mlim=18.0Mlim=18.5
Galaxy LF for the Shapley core to ~M*+ 6 -Best described by combination of Gaussian + Schechter functions to model giant and dwarf pop. -Dip at Mr~ -19 (R~17.7) as rich low z clusters: separation 2 pop. Mercurio et al. 2006
The Shapley Supercluster is NOT the temple of the celestial harmony.
Principal Abell clusters in the center of the Shapley Supercluster
In the whole Supercluster: Mssc = 4.0 to 6.0 × 10 M¤