GVCs and International Technology Transfer (ITT) Geneva, 28 June 2012
Transfer Channels Trade in products (goods and services) Foreign Direct Investment (MNEs) Trade in knowledge (technology licensing) Intra-national and international movement of people
World exports of goods and commercial services,
Sources: UNSD and WTO 2009 value Billions of US$ Global supply chains and world trade Intermediate goods dominate world non-fuel merchandise exports
1) For 2010: includes available data for CIS economies. Source: UN Comtrade and WTO estimates. Exports of capital-intensive, labour-Intensive and high-tech goods, 1990 and 2010
Share of high complexity intermediate goods in total exports/imports of intermediate goods Source: Trade patterns and global value chains in East Asia, WTO/IDE/Jetro 2011
COSTA RICA: PARTICIPATION IN GVC Source : Monge-Ariño (2011), ERSD Attracting FDI 5 sectors (electronics, medical devices, automotive, aeronautic/aerospace, film/broadcasting devices Some 60 firms accounting for around 40 per cent of CR’s total exports
Marketing Brand Innovation Design R&D Standardization Innovation R&D Design Added Value Manufacture Logistics Marketing Brand Standardization Production process Logistics Assembly Manufacture Assembly Customer services ServicesGoodsServices and services SmileyFace (Source: Business Week International online extra, May 16, 2005, Stan Shih on Taiwan and China) Value Added
Exports of R&D services 2010
Extra EU (27): Imports of R&D services from selected partners Source: Eurostat.
Source: WTO, 2012, 15 Years of the ITA
Receipts of royalties and licence fees
Exports of C&IS and OBS,
Trade pattern: –Shift to trade in high-tech goods –Complexity of intermediate goods trade up –Import content of exports up Innovation –R&D and R&LF Movement of people (technical and managerial staff) …these are all signs for an increase of ITT RECAP