Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland The questionnaire survey measures forms, methods of teaching used in therapy and working with parents. POLAND LEO VETWHIC
Workplace: a) special pedagog - 1 respondent (2%) b) teacher - 41 respondents ( 82%) c) speech therapist - 4 respondents (8%) d) physiotherapist - 4 respondents (8%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
What type of school are you working in? a) special preschool – 15 respondents (30%) b) special school - 30 respondents (60%) c) both preschool with inverse inclusive education, special preschool and special school – 2 respondents (4%) d) both preschool with inverse inclusive education and special preschool – - 3 respondents (6%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
How long have you been working with children a) 1-3 years - 12 respondents (24%) b) 4-8 years - 25 respondents (50%) c) 9-15 years - 12 respondents (24%) d) more than 15 years - 1 respondent (2%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
How many students are in your workplace ? - about 400 students – 22 respondents (44%) - about 300 students – 14 respondents (28%) - about 200 students – 14 respondents (28%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
How many workers are in your workplace? - about 200 workers - 50 respondents (100%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
How many disabled students do you have in your classroom / How many disabled students do you work? -70 students - 1 respondent (2%); - 48 students – 2 respondents (4%); - 45 students - 2 respondents (4%); - 30 students - 2 respondents (4%); - 28 students - 3 respondents (6%); - 20 students - 2 respondents (4%); - 6 students - 8 respondents (16%); - 5 students - 12 respondents (24%); - 4 students - 16 respondents (32%); - no answer -2 respondents (4%); Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
What kind of disabilities are children with whom you work? - autism, mental disability, handicapped – 27 respondents (54%); - autism, Asperger s Syndrome – 15 respondents (30%); - autism, mental disability - 6 respondents (12%); - no answer – 2 respondents (4%); Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
If You work with the group, are in the group are: a) only children with disabilities - 45 respondents (90%) b) integration group - 5 respondents (10%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Which of these methods do you know ? Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement, Pedagogics Therapy with computer, Programs Activities Knills - 50 respondents (100%) Method of Good Start, Alternative Communication - AAC, Tomatis s Method, Hydrotherapy, Dogotherapy - 48 respondents (96%) Behavioral Method, Music therapy, Arttherapy, Horsetherapy, Biofeedback, NDT –Bobath, Snoozleen - 47 respondents (94%) Vojtas Method, Montessori s Method - 46 respondents (92%) Sensory Integration – 45 respondents (90%) TEACCH - 44 respondents (88%) Domans Method - 40 respondents (80%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Which of these methods do you know ? Sensory Stimulation - 39 respondents (78%) Dennisons Method - 36 respondents (72%) The Options Method, PETO – 21 respondents (42%) Felicia Affolter s Method - 19 respondents (38%) Method of 10 fingers - 19 respondents (38%) RDI - 16 respondents (32%)
Which of these methods do you use in your work ? Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement, Method of Good Start, Programs Activities Knills, Pedagogics Therapy with computer, Music therapy- 25 respondents (50%) Sensory Integration – 24 respondents (48%) Behavioral Method, Hydrotherapy, Snoozleen - 22 respondents (44%) Sensory Stimulation - 20 respondents (40%) TEACCH – 17 respondents (34%) Domans Method – 15 respondents (30%) Arttherapy, NDT –Bobath, Dennisons Method - 14 respondents (28%) Felicia Affolter s Method - 7 respondents (14%) Montessori s Method, Biofeedback, Tomatis s Method - 1 respondent (2%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
What other methods do you know and use in your work? No answer- 13 respondents (26%) Method of work center, Pedagogy of fun – 5 respondents (10%) Integration of reflexes, Kinesiology Toping, PNF, Therapy equipment thera band, Glotto-didactics – 4 respondents (8%) Makaton, Frostig, Castillo Morales - 3 respondents (6%) Playing an instrument – 2 respondents (4%) Metaplan, Brainstorming, Choreotherapy - 1 respondent (2%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
What techniques of work with disabled students do you know? observation - 27 respondents (54%) practical action – 26 respondents (52%) based on the word - 22 respondents ( 44%) interview – 17 respondents (34%) analysis of documents, artistic technics, multimedia - 16 respondents (32%) no answer - 16 respondents (32%) measurement, show -15 respondents (30%) relaxation technics - 5 respondents (10%) theatrical technics, Freinets technics, positive reinforcing, - 3 respondents (6%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
What techniques of work with disabled students do you use in your work? practical action – 26 respondents (52%) observation- 25 respondents (50%) based on the word- 22 respondents (44%) analysis of documents, multimedia- 16 respondents (32%) no answer- 16 respondents (32%) measurement, interview– 14 respondents (28%) artistic technics- 12 respondents (24%) relaxation technics – 10 respondents (20%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
What kind of forms do you use with students with disabilities? a) individual work - 4 respondents (8%) b) groupware – 0 respondents (0 %) c) both of them - 46 respondents (92%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
What didactic applications do you use with disabled students? computer (computer programs), multimedia presentations (multimedia boards) – - 37 respondents (74%) concrete objects, specimens - 35 respondents (70%) illustrations, photos – 34 respondents (68%) PCS / pictograms – 34 respondents (68%) Individual worksheets – 31 respondents (62%) educational games (board games, puzzles, etc.) - 29 respondents (58%) banners, posters - 14 respondents ( 28%) books - 13 respondents (26%) AAC books - 12 respondents (24%) musical instruments - 12 respondents (24%) rehabilitation equipment – 10 respondents (20%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
What kind of forms of cooperation with your students parents do you use? a) Daily conversations with parents - 50 respondents (100%) b) Meetings with parents - 50 respondents (100%) c) Transdisciplinary teams - 45 respondents (90%) d) Books of observation/communication with parents - 40 respondents (80%) e) Support groups - 5 respondents (10%) f) Online discussions (skype, facebook..) - 0 respondents (0 %) g) Other (please describe): telephone calls /sms - 22 respondents (44%) workshops for parents/ open classes – 7 respondents (14%) participation in the excursions. – 4 respondents (8%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
How often do you use Your forms with cooperation with your students parents? a) Daily conversations with parents – every day – 50 respondents (100%) b) Meetings with parents – schedule meetings, once every three months and as needed - 50 respondents (100%) c) Transdisciplinary teams – half-year and according to the needs – - 45 respondents(90%) d) Books of observation/communication with parents - according to the needs – - 40 respondents(80%) e) Support groups - according to the needs – 5 respondents (10 %) f) Telephone calls- according to the needs – 22 respondents (44%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Do You have any problems with cooperation with your students parents? a ) Yes- 28 respondents (56%) b) No - 22 respondents (44%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
19.If you have selected Yes, you write what kind of problems do you have: - no adherence teacher - 28 respondents (56%) - use inappropriate (often excessive) demands on the child - 22 respondents (44%) - lack of consistency – 8 respondents (16%) - difficulty accepting the child's disability - 7 respondents (14%) - hide relevant and important information (especially medical) concerning the child - 5 respondents (10%) - not reading the information from the teacher - 6 respondents (12%) - lack of cooperation - 10 respondents (20%) - communication difficulties - 5 respondents (10%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Which of your forms of cooperation with your students parents are the most useful in your opinion ? - Daily, individual conversations with parents - 46 respondents (92%) - Transdisciplinary teams – 10 respondents (20%) - Meetings with parents – 36 respondents (72%) - Books of observation/communication with parents – 7 respondents (14%) - Telephone calls- 5 respondents (10%) - Open classes / workshops - 5 respondents (10%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Do you engage parents to their child institution (where children with disability attend) to e.g. school ceremony, trips? YES - 49 respondents (98%) NO - 1 respondent (2%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Can a parent participates in the creation of a system of therapy? YES - 49 respondents (98%) NO - 1 respondent (2%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Does a parent take part in the choice of methods and forms of therapy? YES - 49 respondents (98%) NO - 1 respondent (2%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Are the parents involved in the development of the individual plan of their child? YES - 50 respondents (100%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
How will you assess the relations with the parents? a) Very good - 20 respondents (40%) b) Good - 28 respondents (56%) c) Satisfactory - 2 respondents (4%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Have you attended any training courses/training activities or similar preparatory actions /Incl. self-preparation) to work with families? YES - 33 respondents (66%) NO - 17 respondents (34%) Poland Zespol Placowek Edukacyjnych
Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION