WROC and the Open Door Mission
Introduction and Background The Open Door Mission relationship was born out of a team building effort that was initiated by the WROC sales managers, DOS Wendy Bello in particular. The staff decided that they would choose one charity per month and commit to a service outreach in which the entire sales staff would participate; the first organization to be selected was The Open Door Mission. The sales managers contacted the Open Door Mission to offer their services and were told that preparing breakfast for those who are served by The Open Door Mission would be appreciated.
Based on that conversation the decision was taken that the sales staff serve breakfast as well as provide the food for the breakfast. One of our AEs then contacted one of our clients, Wade’s Market and solicited a donation of all the food that would be served by our staff. On April 22 nd the sales staff arrived at the Open Door Mission at 6am and began to prepare breakfast. A photographer accompanied the staff and shot video that was used later for promotional spot purposes.
WROC’s Day of Service at Open Door Mission
:30 Open Door Mission Promotional Spot
Following the day of service we engaged the agency for the Mission, who was in the early stages of planning for 2 nd and 3 rd quarter marketing. We then scheduled a CNA which resulted in a brainstorming session with the sales managers, AEs, other department staff members and General Manager. A proposal was developed and subsequently pitched. All of the other stations in the market also pitched; but we had a definite edge based on the day of service as well as the commitment from the GM’s chair that this would be a true partnership that would benefit the Open Door Mission by being aligned with a full station community outreach effort.
Increase awareness of Open Door Mission in the Rochester market. Target a younger demo through marketing efforts in October and November and spur donations when people are most likely to give. To educate the market of the Mission’s on-going needs and to solicit community involvement by educating the market about opportunities to give (serving meals, donating food, and donating money) To create partnerships with local media outlets that will result in maximum exposure for Open Door Mission Open Door Mission Objectives
Campaign Elements Open Door Week fund raising campaign On Air: 50 :30 second promos 30 :4 second station IDs Feature stories on volunteers and successes Digital: Text to Donate Rochesterhomepage.net roadblock Q4 and beyond On air PSA/Promo schedule and web
:30 Open Door Mission Code Red Spot
:15 Open Door Mission Code Red Spot
:04 Open Door Mission ID
Viewers text “Open Door” to and receive a link to Open Door’s donation page Text Info Campaign
Open Door Mission Results Summary As a result of this campaign WROC was able collect a substantial amount of non-perusable items such as paper towels, soaps and many more helpful items that will be used by the Open Door Mission. Through a two-week summer texting campaign, including on-air promos, Open Door Mission was able to raise over $10,000 to be used for capital improvements at the mission.
WROC secured $25k of new, NTR in 4Q between broadcast and digital as follows: Broadcast: 20k; Digital 5k A project of this nature is easily applicable across all Nexstar markets as we all have community organizations that would welcome a relationship with a TV station that is focused on the local community. The outreach to the Open Door Mission also provided us with the opportunity to highlight a regular client, Wade’s Market. One month later the sales staff served breakfast at the Ronald McDonald House and has future plans to enact like efforts with other community organizations. WROC Results Summary
:30 Ronald McDonald House Spot
Accrued Benefits Staff Team Building: enhanced internal morale Non Traditional Revenue: 25k, 20k broadcast, 5k digital Station Image: benefits from community outreach/involvement Open Door Mission: new enhanced exposure and increased fund raising Third party client, Wade’s Market, positive image publicity
WROC and the Open Door Mission