Working With Words Suffix –ly, -ness Prefix un- Synonyms and antonyms homophones
This week’s WWWs are… winner winner won won unhappiness unhappiness usually usually new new
Put this week’s WWW in ABC order… new new unhappiness unhappiness usually usually winner winner won won
What are homophones? Homophones are words that sound the same, are spelled differently, and have different meanings. Homophones are words that sound the same, are spelled differently, and have different meanings. What is this week’s homophone? What is this week’s homophone?new What is its homophone pair? knew Click here to play homophone Jeopardy or other games Click here to play homophone Jeopardy or other games
What is a synonym? synonyms are words that have similar meanings synonyms are words that have similar meaningscold-frigidsilly-goofyweak-wimpydumb-ignorantpretty-beautiful Click here to play some synonym games. Click here to play some synonym games.
What is an antonym? antonyms are words that have opposite meanings antonyms are words that have opposite meaningshot-coldloud-quietbig-smallold-youngweird-normal Click here to play some antonym games Click here to play some antonym games
Try these… esl2/kgeng8.tdf?0 esl2/kgeng8.tdf?0 esl2/kgeng8.tdf?0 esl2/kgeng8.tdf?0 esl2/kgeng9.tdf?0 esl2/kgeng9.tdf?0 esl2/kgeng9.tdf?0 esl2/kgeng9.tdf?0
What suffixes are we studying this week? -ly and -ness What does suffix –ly do to most words? suffix –ly makes most words into adverbs What does suffix –ness do to most words? suffix –ness makes most words into nouns
What prefix are we studying this week? un- Which of this week’s www has this suffix? unhappiness What does suffix un- mean? not
Practice… Click here to practice with some on-line suffix games Click here to practice with some on-line suffix games
The end! That’s it! No more! Finished!Complete!Hooray!