Preparing for a rapidly changing world
When our current Year 1 cohort reach employable age, 80% of the jobs they will be doing do not even exist yet due to the rapid developments in technology.
Examples DVD players Medicine Travel Satellite TV Mobile Phones DNA Computers & Internet
For Discussion With the employment market so open to change, what skills do we want Queen’s Drive children to leave our school with?
Imagination, Purpose, Originality, Value.
Children’s Interests Computer games –Playstations etc. Cinema, films, cartoons etc. Celebrities – Footballers, pop stars, movie heroes or heroines. TV (Loco parentis) – Soap operas, reality TV, XFactor etc. What do we, as teachers, do with this culture?
Excellence and Enjoyment Personalised learning. Embracing children’s interests. Engaging the whole child. ECM Enjoying and achieving through learning. Having FUN!
Examples Test out instructions by playing and making Stimulating starting points -Smell a scene Detective kits Sentence length - mood through music Walk through a story Feeling Taste Act out verbs, adverbs, sentences etc Narrative writing through dance Celebrate mistake makers
Retention Rates Lecture 5 % Reading 10% Audio-visual 20% Demonstrating 30% Discussion 50% Practice by doing 75% Teaching others 90%
What have other school done? Include children’s interests in their teaching and learning. Audited children’s different learning styles and preferences – VAK. Planned to include different styles. Introduced less traditional sports - Crown Green Bowling! Grange Primary in Derbyshire.
Concentration Capturing
What will we do? unit/Information/ourprojects1/grangeton/?version=1# unit/Information/ourprojects1/grangeton/?version=1# yinschools/ yinschools/ If you would like any of concentration capturing images please give me your pen drive.