Writing Challenge- Week 3 Welcome back AMAZING writers Welcome back AMAZING writers
14 days to go until the craziness begins! Are you excited?!?
Today… A Crash Course in Writing… Focusing on the 2 D’s- Dialogue and Description!
Dialogue, Dialogue, Dialogue… What is this Dialogue thing anyway? Why do we use Dialgoue?
Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said
So what other words could we use?
Lets play a game… In the style of…
Dialogue game number 2! Can we have conversation but in every response/piece of dialogue we have to include:- A brand/company The word ‘Yes’ A colour A song title/lyric/band name A word beginning with W
What’s the point of Dialogue? "Hey, mate. How are you?" John said. "I'm really good. Thanks for asking. And you?" Sam said. "Good, thanks," John said. “Cool, glad your good” Replied Sam “What do you want to do today?” Asked John “I don’t know- what do you want to do?” Enquired Sam
In a novel – Dialogue needs to do one of 2 things… 1) Move the story forward… 2) Help us get to know your characters better…
Lets have a go… Dialogue game 3!
The second D- Description! Why on earth do we need it?!?
Different type of descriptive words… Adjectives…Adverbs… Adverbial Sentences…
Game time (again!)- Adverb mania!
You can describe a setting… Tom returned home Could turn into Tom returned home to his small, but friendly cosy two bedded house. He opened the front door and was immediately greeted by his loveable dog Spot how was pleased to see him! After collecting his mail (junk again!) he went into the living room and turned on the TV, waiting for ‘the’ phone call.
Let’s have a go at describing…
Description simply also gives us more words… Description simply also gives us more words… Tom went to the shops to buy some chocolate. Could turn into… Tom felt exhausted and famished so he decided he needed to trek out to the shop and get some chocolate. Tom ventured slowly outside, and tutted out loud as it was raining- again! He quickly made his way to the local newsagents where he brought a bar of super deluxe chocolate. Tom returned home trying not get
Game time (again!)- Articulate
Game time (yes more!)- Taboo!
Ok so lets get set for November… EVERYONE needs an account on ywp.nanorwrimo.org – please let me have your username TODAY! We ALL HAVE to change the time on our accounts- else we’ll be locked out of writing too early! Make sure you have set your word count goal…
Typing, Typing, Typing The quicker you can type- the easier you will find it in November… On mrhandley.co.uk there are some links to some great typing games/activities!
Preparing for November… Remember you can’t start the actual writing until November 1 st (the first day back after half term) But you can plan…
Over the next 2 weeks… Importantly- make sure you REST- you will be doing a LOT of writing in November! Try and make sure you have a good idea of the plan for your story- what’s going to happen, where is it going to happen, why etc… Make sure you have enough content to fill your word count!
Over the next 2 weeks… Make sure you know your characters… Use the sheets you’ve been given to help you (there is a new one on setting too!)