Вишератина Т.Н., учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ» села Корткерос, Республика Коми 2012
Units 1,2,3
A paragraph A group of several sentences that tells about one idea.
The main idea The main idea of the paragraph is usually told in one sentence. It is called the topic sentence.
The topic sentence Is usually the first sentence of the paragraph. The first sentence of the paragraph is intented.
The rest of the sentences In the paragraph tell more about the main idea.
Check yourself 1. Read ex.2 p.60 and decide what it is about. -it is about the Russian Flag 2. Read ex.3 p.60. What is its main idea. -football is one of the most popular games in the USA. 3. Read ex.4 p.60. Read the topic sentence that tells the main idea. -He is one of the most active people I know.
Check yourself 1. Read ex.5 p.60. Choose the best topic sentence from the list below b) The English spend a lot of time in their homes. 2. Read ex.6 p.61. What is its main idea and what the topic sentence is. Copy out the sentence(s) which does (do) not belong to the paragraph.
The body of the paragraph The topic sentence Event 1 detail Event 2 detail
Unit 2 Now it’s time to learn how to write a paragraph
It is useful to follow these steps: 1. Prewriting 2. Writing a draft 3. Revising and proofreading 4. Making a final copy
Free notes. Moscow The capital Cultural centre Metro Theatres Cinemas Parks Museums Red Square Monuments Government Centre of science Factories Universities Institutes
Brainstorming Cultural centre museums theatres galleries Industrial centre factories plants Scientific centre universities institutes
Unit 3. You know that… 1. A paragraph is a group of sentences 2. A paragraph has a main idea. 3. All the sentences in a paragraph work together to tell about the main idea. 4. The main idea is expressed in a topic sentence. 5. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph. 6. The topic sentence tells what the paragraph is going to be about.
How to develop paragraphs There are many ways to do it. The main of them are: By using details (adjectives, adverbs, specific words, synonims). By using examples.
Details Details help to make a person or a place more interesting for the reader. They help to create a strong image.
Examples The topic sentence expresses the main idea. The rest of the sentences give an example. The example explains the main idea.