Commas, their uses, and you
QA Compact, chapter 24, has all the comma rules. They are all very straightforward except for one or two crazy exceptions. And yes, there are grammatically-based comma rules. “Put a comma when you want the reader to take a breath” is NOT a comma rule. The more common sense rule is “put a comma when you want to avoid confusion.”
Use a comma before coordinating conjunctions linking two independent ideas. ▪ To show addition: and ▪ To show choice: or, nor ▪ To show consequences: so ▪ To show contrast: but, yet ▪ To show cause: for If the ideas are not independent, then NO comma – independence requires the verb AND the subject.
I have many imaginary friends and enemies I have many imaginary friends, and they like me. I have many imaginary friends who like me and think I am special. I have many imaginary friends, and I have many imaginary enemies. I have many imaginary friends and have many imaginary enemies.
Any word, phrase, or clause that proceeds the main clause of a sentence is followed by a comma This includes: Subordinating conjunction inversions. Although that party was crazy, I still found my way home last night. Prepositional, participial and absolute phrase inversions Under the moonlight, I stumbled down Evans. Correlating adverbs (conjunctive adverbs) However, I fell asleep on the dining room floor. Crazy exception #1 – if the introductory element is short AND does not affect meaning some will omit the comma. However, you will NEVER be wrong if you use the comma.
Restrictive elements contain information essential for the meaning of the sentence, so DON’T use commas: DU students who transferred to DU from another university do not have to take a First-Year Seminar. Some students at DU go to all the hockey games Non-restrictive elements contain non-essential information. DU students, who are exceptionally smart, have to pass WRIT Jenny, who is a huge hockey fan, goes to all the hockey games. To recognize, take out the phrase you are wondering about
do not Subordinating phrases do not get a comma before them when they appear after the main clause: You will like DU if you like to ski. ▪ But use the comma if inverting: If you like to ski, then you will like DU. I like DU because it has a great campus culture. subordinator shows contrast Some grammarians have suggested that a comma is appropriate when a subordinator shows contrast. But this is OPTIONAL I like DU, although I don’t like to ski. I went to a private university, rather than a state university.