This is Rotary A worldwide organization for business active people who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
February 23, 1905 in Chicago The laywer, the coal dealer, the tailor and the mining engineer met for the first time. This was the start of the first Rotary club. The aim of the club was to stimulate the business of the members and to develop good friendship.
1.2 million Rotarians 33,000 clubs in 200 countries
Clubs for young people Rotaract - ages Interact - ages under 18, is one of Rotary’s fastest growing programs. There are more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries.
The Rotary Foundation Rotarians and other people give to the Rotary Foundation every year and this makes it possible for rotarians to continue Rotary’s humanitarian work all over the world.
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PolioPlus will be ended 5.3 billion US$ have been spent 1.9 million children have been saved 415 million US$ is needed to eradicate Polio If vaccinations are stopped, more than 200,000 children will be infected every year.
“Polio Eradication is WHO’s top operational priority.” Dr. Margaret Chan Director-General, WHO
PolioPlus The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has donated 355 million dollars to Rotary to be used for eradication of Polio. Rotary, UNICEF and WHO cooperate to eradicate Polio.
Youth Exchange In 1929 the first exchange was organized between France and Denmark. Today more than 8,000 exchange students are sent on Rotary’s long and short term exchanges every year.
Rotary Youth Leadersip Award Leadership training for ages 18-30, which started in Australia RYLA emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal development. The participants are appointed by Rotary clubs and sponsored by a club or a company.
Georgia Rotary Student Program Rotarians in Georgia, USA offer 80 scholar- ships every year to international students for one year of study in Georgia colleges and universities. The scholarship pays tuition, books, room, meals. The student has to be recommended by a Rotary club.
Local projects The first local projects were made by the Chicago RC in A new horse was purchased for the priest and ”comfort stations” set up in the city..
Summer camp – a local project in cooperation with other organizations.
When the UN was formed 1945 in San Francisco, 49 rotarians were invited as observers. The Rotarians played important roles as interpreters, mediators and recorders, when the UN bylaws were created. Ever since, Rotary and the UN have worked close together.
Paul Harris Fellow Paul Harris Fellow was instituted 1957 to get more contributions to the Rotary Foundation and the annual fund. 1,000 $ payed by a club or a private person justifies a PHF.
The Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Rotary Convention - Every year in June. Rotarians from all over the world meet.
A friendship exchange between districts. A group of rotarians visits another district for two weeks. They go to different places and stay at the homes of Rotarians. A wonderful way of getting to know a new country.
Women in Rotary Women were admitted to Rotary 1989 efter a court decision in the USA. There are 16 % women in Rotary globally. 24 % of clubs worldwide still do not have women members.
Group Study Exchange A unique cultural and vocational exchange program, four to six weeks for young business people years. The travel expenses are funded by the Rotary Foundation. Rotarians in the country visited sponsor the lodging.
Publications for everybody 31 Magazines in 20 languages Rotary World (available as pdf) The Rotarian
Council on Legislation Rotary’s ”parliament” meets every three years in Chicago, USA. All districts appoint one representative who reviews proposals, participates in the meeting and votes for new legislation. Next meeting will be held in April 2010.
”You will get out of Rotary in proportion to what you do for Rotary.” Paul Harris