Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Timer/WatchDog /RTC 4/11/2013 Richard Kuo Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Outline ► NuMicro MCU Timer/WatchDog Timer/Real-Time Clock –6.NuMicro_Timer_WatchDog_RTC.ppt ► Exercise: Timer – one-shot 、 periodic 、 continuous (Smpl_Timer) –set Timer 0,1,2,3 at different counting frequency and display on LCD ► Exercise: Watch-Dog Timer (Smpl_WDT) –Set Watch-Dog Timer at 10KHz ► Exercise: Real-Time Clock (Smpl_RTC) –set RTC alarm & display RTC time ► Exercise: using Timer + WatchDog Timer + RTC alarm (Smpl_Timer_WDT_RTC) –Use Timer & WatchDogt Timer & RTC all in one program
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Interrupt Type ► NVIC_EnableIRQ(WDT_IRQn); –vector defined in startup_NUC1xx.s –IRQ type defined in NUC1xx.h typedef enum IRQn { //****** Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers //NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt //HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< 3 Cortex-M0 Hard Fault Interrupt //SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 Cortex-M0 SV Call Interrupt //PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Cortex-M0 Pend SV Interrupt //SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 Cortex-M0 System Tick Interrupt //******************* NUC1xx Interrupt Numbers ****************** BOD_IRQn = 0, WDT_IRQn = 1, … RTC_IRQn = 31 } IRQn_Type;
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Interrupt Handler __Vectors DCD __initial_sp ; Top of Stack DCD Reset_Handler ; Reset Handler DCD NMI_Handler ; NMI Handler DCD HardFault_Handler ; Hard Fault Handler DCD 0 ; Reserved DCD SVC_Handler ; SVCall Handler DCD 0 ; Reserved DCD PendSV_Handler ; PendSV Handler DCD SysTick_Handler ; SysTick Handler ; External Interrupts ; maximum of 32 External Interrupts are possible DCD BOD_IRQHandler DCD WDT_IRQHandler DCD EINT0_IRQHandler DCD EINT1_IRQHandler DCD GPAB_IRQHandler DCD GPCDE_IRQHandler DCD PWMA_IRQHandler DCD PWMB_IRQHandler DCD TMR0_IRQHandler DCD TMR1_IRQHandler DCD TMR2_IRQHandler DCD TMR3_IRQHandler DCD UART02_IRQHandler DCD UART1_IRQHandler DCD SPI0_IRQHandler DCD SPI1_IRQHandler DCD SPI2_IRQHandler DCD SPI3_IRQHandler DCD I2C0_IRQHandler DCD I2C1_IRQHandler DCD CAN0_IRQHandler DCD Default_Handler DCD USBD_IRQHandler DCD PS2_IRQHandler DCD ACMP_IRQHandler DCD PDMA_IRQHandler DCD I2S_IRQHandler DCD PWRWU_IRQHandler DCD ADC_IRQHandler DCD Default_Handler DCD RTC_IRQHandler defined in startup_NUC1xx.s
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Timer0 Interrupt Handler void TMR0_IRQHandler(void) // Timer0 interrupt subroutine { char TEXT_Timer[16]="Timer:"; TimerCounter+=1; sprintf(TEXT_Timer+6,"%d",TimerCounter); print_lcd(1, TEXT_Timer); TIMER0->TISR.TIF =1; }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University WDT Interrupt Handler void WDT_IRQHandler(void) { UNLOCKREG(); WDT->WTCR.WTIF =1; WDT->WTCR.WTR = 1; UNLOCKREG(); print_lcd(3, "WDT interrupt"); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University RTC Interrupt Handler void RTC_IRQHandler(void) { uint32_t clock; char TEXT_RTC[16]="RTC : "; /* tick */ if(inpw(&RTC->RIIR)&0x2) { clock=inpw(&RTC->TLR)&0xFFFFFF; sprintf(TEXT_RTC+6,"%02x",(clock>>16)&0xFF); sprintf(TEXT_RTC+9,"%02x",((clock)>>8)&0xFF); sprintf(TEXT_RTC+12,"%02x",clock&0xFF); TEXT_RTC[8]=':'; TEXT_RTC[11]=':'; Show_Word(0,13,' '); print_lcd(0, TEXT_RTC); outpw(&RTC->RIIR,2); } /* alarm */ if(inpw(&RTC->RIIR)&0x1) { print_lcd(2, "RTC Alarm !!!"); GPIOC->DOUT&=0xFF; Alarm_E=0; outpw(&RTC->RIIR,1); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Timer Features ► Four 24-bit up-counting timer ► A prescaler (divider) for each Timer ► Selectable 5 clock source ► Four modes : one shot, periodic, toggle, continuous ► Timeout Period calculation Time out period = (Period of timer clock input) * (8-bit Prescale + 1) * (24- bit TCMP)
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Timer Clock Source Trigger source: TM0 PB8, TM1 PB9 TM2 PB10, TM3 PB11 Rising edge
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Timer block diagram
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Timer operation modes ► Ex. PCMPR = 100 Mode=0 Mode=1 Mode=3 Toggle mode One shot 0100 Periodic 0100 Reset counter Overflow 0100 Interrupt
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_Timer
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University InitTimer0() void InitTIMER0(void) { /* Step 1. Enable and Select Timer clock source */ SYSCLK->CLKSEL1.TMR0_S = 0;//Select 12Mhz for Timer0 clock source SYSCLK->APBCLK.TMR0_EN =1;//Enable Timer0 clock source /* Step 2. Select Operation mode */ TIMER0->TCSR.MODE=0;//Select once mode for operation mode /* Step 3. Select Time out period = (Period of timer clock input) * (8-bit Prescale + 1) * (24-bit TCMP)*/ TIMER0->TCSR.PRESCALE=255;// Set Prescale [0~255] TIMER0->TCMPR = 46875;// Set TCMPR [0~ ] // (1/ )*(255+1)* = 1 sec / 1 Hz /* Step 4. Enable interrupt */ TIMER0->TCSR.IE = 1; TIMER0->TISR.TIF = 1;//Write 1 to clear for safty NVIC_EnableIRQ(TMR0_IRQn);//Enable Timer0 Interrupt /* Step 5. Enable Timer module */ TIMER0->TCSR.CRST = 1;//Reset up counter TIMER0->TCSR.CEN = 1;//Enable Timer0 // TIMER0->TCSR.TDR_EN=1;// Enable TDR function }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University TMR0_IRQHandler() void TMR0_IRQHandler(void) // Timer0 interrupt subroutine { char TEXT1[16]="Timer0: "; Timer0Counter+=1; sprintf(TEXT1+7,"%d",Timer0Counter); print_lcd(1, TEXT1); TIMER0->TISR.TIF =1; }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_Timer int32_t main (void) { UNLOCKREG(); SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL32K_EN = 1;//Enable 32Khz for RTC clock source SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL12M_EN = 1;//Enable 12MHz Crystal SYSCLK->CLKSEL0.HCLK_S = 0; LOCKREG(); Initial_panel(); clr_all_panel(); print_lcd(0,"Smpl_Timer"); InitTIMER0(); InitTIMER1(); InitTIMER2(); while(1) { __NOP(); // No Operation }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University WatchDog Timer ► 18-bit up counter ► 8 selections of time out period ► Support function: – WDT interrupt – WDT reset – WDT wakeup
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University WDT Clock = Generato
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Watch mode Block Diagram ► WDT can cause a WDT Interrupt or WDT Reset to CPU after a fixed delay period. ► WDT also can wakeup CPU form Power-down mode
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University WDT Time out selection WTIS Interrupt Timeout Watchdog Reset Timeout WTR Timeout Interval for Reset (WDT_CLK=12MHz) WTR Timeout Interval for Reset (WDT_CLK=32KHz) WDT_CLK (16 WDT_CLK) ( ) WDT_CLK (1040 WDT_CLK) 86.67us32.5 ms WDT_CLK ( ) WDT_CLK us34 ms WDT_CLK ( ) WDT_CLK us40 ms WDT_CLK( ) WDT_CLK us64 ms WDT_CLK( ) WDT_CLK us160 ms WDT_CLK( ) WDT_CLK 1.45 ms544 ms WDT_CLK( ) WDT_CLK 5.55 ms2080 ms WDT_CLK( ) WDT_CLK ms8224 ms `
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_WDT
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University InitWDT() // Initialize Watch-Dog Timer void InitWDT(void) { UNLOCKREG(); /* Step 1. Enable and Select WDT clock source */ SYSCLK->CLKSEL1.WDT_S =3;//Select 10Khz for WDT clock source SYSCLK->APBCLK.WDT_EN =1;//Enable WDT clock source /* Step 2. Select Timeout Interval */ WDT->WTCR.WTIS=5; /* Step 3. Disable Watchdog Timer Reset function */ WDT->WTCR.WTRE = 0; /* Step 4. Enable WDT interrupt */ WDT->WTCR.WTIF =1;//Write 1 to clear for safety WDT->WTCR.WTIE = 1; NVIC_EnableIRQ(WDT_IRQn); /* Step 5. Enable WDT module */ //Enable WDT WDT->WTCR.WTE = 1; //Clear WDT counter WDT->WTCR.WTR = 1; LOCKREG(); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University WDT_IRQHandler() // Watch-Dog Timer Interrupt Handler void WDT_IRQHandler(void) { UNLOCKREG(); WDT->WTCR.WTIF =1; WDT->WTCR.WTR = 1; UNLOCKREG(); print_lcd(1, "WatchDog Timer "); print_lcd(2, "Interrupt !!! "); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_WDT int32_t main (void) { UNLOCKREG(); SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL32K_EN = 1;//Enable 32KHz for RTC clock source SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL12M_EN = 1;//Enable 12MHz crystal SYSCLK->CLKSEL0.HCLK_S = 0; LOCKREG(); Initial_panel(); clr_all_panel(); print_lcd(0,"Smpl_WDT"); InitWDT(); while(1) { __NOP(); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University RTC Features ► RTC counter –Time counter –Calendar counter –Day of week –Leap year –BCD format TLR=0x CLR=0x ► A set of Alarm ► Alarm and time tick interrupt ► Wakeup function ► 32KHz compensation
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University RTC Block Diagram 25 INIR ( ) ( 0xA5EB1357) AER () (0xA965) 512 RTC clock ≒ 15msec
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University RTC Access RegisterOffsetR/WDescriptionReset ValueAER[16]=0 RTC_BA = 0x4000_8000 INIRRTC_BA+0x000R/WRTC Initiation Register(A5EB1357)0x0000_0000R/W AERRTC_BA+0x004R/WRTC Access Enable Register(A965)0x0000_0000R/W FCRRTC_BA+0x008R/WRTC Frequency Compensation Register 0x0000_0700- TLRRTC_BA+0x00CR/WTime Loading Register0x0000_0000R CLRRTC_BA+0x010R/WCalendar Loading Register0x0005_0101R TSSRRTC_BA+0x014R/WTime Scale Selection Register0x0000_0001R/W DWRRTC_BA+0x018R/WDay of the Week Register0x0000_0006R TARRTC_BA+0x01CR/WTime Alarm Register0x0000_0000- CARRTC_BA+0x020R/WCalendar Alarm Register0x0000_0000- LIRRTC_BA+0x024RLeap year Indicator Register0x0000_0000R RIERRTC_BA+0x028R/WRTC Interrupt Enable Register0x0000_0000R/W RIIRRTC_BA+0x02CR/CRTC Interrupt Indicator Register0x0000_0000R/C TTRRTC_BA+0x030R/WRTC Time Tick Register0x0000_0000- Access enable Access disable
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University 24-hour/12-hour Mapping Table 24-hour time scale 12-hour time scale 24-hour time scale 12-hour time scale (PM time + 0x20) 0x000x12(AM12)0x120x32(PM12) 0x010x01(AM01)0x130x21(PM01) 0x020x02(AM02)0x140x22(PM02) 0x030x03(AM03)0x150x23(PM03) 0x040x04(AM04)0x160x24(PM04) 0x050x05(AM05)0x170x25(PM05) 0x060x06(AM06)0x180x26(PM06) 0x070x07(AM07)0x190x27(PM07) 0x080x08(AM08)0x200x28(PM08) 0x090x09(AM09)0x210x29(PM09) 0x100x10(AM10)0x220x30(PM10) 0x110x11(AM11)0x230x31(PM11) =AM time=PM time+0x20 BCD Format
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University RTC Example ► RTC sample code with driver –Enable RTC and set date and time Date: Time: –Enable alarm interrupt and set alarm date and time Alarm date: Alarm Time: ► RTC sample code –The same flow
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_RTC
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_RTC RTC register access #include #include "NUC1xx.h" #include "LCD_Driver.h" static uint8_t Alarm_E=1; // RTC register access void set_TLR (int32_t a,int32_t b,int32_t c,int32_t d,int32_t e,int32_t f) { outpw(&RTC->TLR, a<<20|b<<16|c<<12|d<<8|e<<4|f) ; } void set_CLR (int32_t a,int32_t b,int32_t c,int32_t d,int32_t e,int32_t f) { outpw(&RTC->CLR, a<<20|b<<16|c<<12|d<<8|e<<4|f) ; } void set_TAR(int32_t a,int32_t b,int32_t c,int32_t d,int32_t e,int32_t f) { outpw(&RTC->TAR, a<<20|b<<16|c<<12|d<<8|e<<4|f); } void set_CAR (int32_t a,int32_t b,int32_t c,int32_t d,int32_t e,int32_t f) { outpw(&RTC->CAR, a<<20|b<<16|c<<12|d<<8|e<<4|f); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University START_RTC() // start Real-Time Clock void START_RTC(void) { while(1) { RTC->INIR = 0xa5eb1357; if(inpw(&RTC->INIR)==1) break; } while(1) { RTC->AER.AER = 0xA965; if(inpw(&RTC->AER)&0x10000)// AER bit break; }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University InitRTC() void InitRTC(void) { UNLOCKREG(); /* Step 1. Enable and Select RTC clock source */ SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL32K_EN = 1;//Enable 32Khz for RTC clock source SYSCLK->APBCLK.RTC_EN =1;//Enable RTC clock source /* Step 2. Initiate and unlock RTC module */ START_RTC(); /* Step 3. Initiate Time and Calendar setting */ RTC->TSSR.HR24_HR12 =1;//Set 24hour mode //Set time and calendar for loading register, Calendar 09/1/19, Time 13:20:00 set_CLR(0,9,0,1,1,9); set_TLR(1,3,2,0,0,0); /* Step 4. Set alarm interrupt */ //Set time and calendar for alarm register, Calendar 09/1/19, Time 13:30:00 set_CAR(0,9,0,1,1,9); set_TAR(1,3,2,0,2,0); //Enable alarm interrupt RTC->RIER.AIER = 1; RTC->RIER.TIER = 1; NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC_IRQn); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_RTC main() int32_t main (void) { UNLOCKREG(); SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL32K_EN = 1;//Enable 32KHz for RTC clock source SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL12M_EN = 1;//Enable 12MHz crystal SYSCLK->CLKSEL0.HCLK_S = 0; LOCKREG(); Initial_panel(); clr_all_panel(); print_lcd(0,"Smpl_RTC"); InitRTC(); /* Synch field transmission & Request Identifier Field transmission*/ while(Alarm_E) { UNLOCKREG(); WDT->WTCR.WTR =1;//Write 1 to clear for safety LOCKREG(); } while(1) { __NOP(); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_Timer_WDT_RTC
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_Timer_WDT_RTC int32_t main (void) { UNLOCKREG(); SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL32K_EN = 1;//Enable 32KHz for RTC clock source SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL12M_EN = 1;//Enable 12MHz crystal SYSCLK->CLKSEL0.HCLK_S = 0; LOCKREG(); Initial_panel(); clr_all_panel(); InitTIMER0(); InitRTC(); InitWDT(); /* Synch field transmission & Request Identifier Field transmission*/ while(Alarm_E) { UNLOCKREG(); WDT->WTCR.WTR =1;//Write 1 to clear for safety LOCKREG(); } while(1) { __NOP(); }
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