Education Structure Source: World Development Indicators, UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Kazakhstan Education System Structure and Enrollments 2008
Education Structure Education Configuration and Enrollment Percentages 2008 ClassificationLevel/GradeAges % Net Enrollment % Gross Enrollment Pre-primaryPre-school 3-639% Pre-university Primary, grades %109% Lower Secondary, grades %* 103% Upper secondary, grades % TVET secondary, grades %** Tertiary Undergraduate study18-22 N/A47% Post graduate study22+ * Includes all levels of secondary. **As percentage of total general secondary. Compulsory education age in Kazakhstan is from Gross enrollments over 100% indicate many overage children accessing education Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, World Bank EdStats Kazakhstan
Education Access: Pre-university Primary and secondary net enrollments have grown little since Lower secondary has increased 14% over the last eight years mostly because of over-aged children entering the system. Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, World Bank EdStats Kazakhstan
Education Access: Tertiary Kazakhstan Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics The number of 4 year students in tertiary education has almost doubled since 2000 while the number of students studying for an advanced degree has declined by more than half.
Education Access: Gender Boys’ and girls’ enrollments strangely mirror each other for the most part. Secondary enrollments for both groups are declining 2-3% every 2 years. Kazakhstan Source: World Bank EdStats
Education Quality: Completion Kazakhstan Source: World Bank EdStats Boys’ and girls’ completion rates follow similar patterns. Girls complete in slightly higher numbers than do boys.
Education Quality: Testing Kazakhstan participated in the TIMSS 2007 for grade 4. Kazakhstan ranked 5th out of 36 participating countries on the math survey with an average score of 549. Grade 4 Kazakh students achieved an average score of 533 on the science survey and were ranked 11 out of 36 participating countries. 95% of Kazakh students who took the surveys placed from the lowest to the highest benchmarks. 19% of Kazakh students placed in the advanced benchmark of 625 on the math survey. Source: Trends in International Math and Science Study 2007 Kazakhstan
Education Efficiency: Expenditure Source: World Bank EdStats. Government of Republic of Kazakhstan www. en.government.kz Kazakhstan The Kazakhstan government spent 3.6% of the GDP (2007) and 12.1% of total government spending (2005) on education.
Education Efficiency: Repetition Source: World Bank EdStats Primary repetition is extremely minimal at 0.1%. Kazakhstan