Self-Supporting Degrees Administrative Business Officers Group April 29, 2014
Self-Supporting Degree Programs No state funds can be used to support the program. Should have one or more of the following alternative aspects: Location (off-campus) Time (offered at night) Delivery method (on-line or hybrid) Student population (in general, mid-career participants) Same quality of instruction, students, program as state-supported programs April, Academic Planning and Budget
Self-Supporting Degrees: Systemwide Perspective April, Academic Planning and Budget
Self-Supporting Degrees: UCLA 13 Degree Programs April, Academic Planning and Budget 6 programs are in the Anderson School of Management Partnerships with foreign universities 7 programs are in other Schools
Overview of the Review/Approval Process At UCLA April, Academic Planning and Budget IDEA! Planning in the Dean’s Office and Department Close collaboration with Academic Planning and Budget Proposal Document Completed APB supplies financial opinion letter for proposal document Review and approval by School/Department Faculty Executive Committees (FEC) Review and approval by Campus Academic Senate Review and approval by UCOP and Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA) Presidential Approval Chancellorial review and approval Proposal transmitted to UCOP Timing on campus: 1 to 2 years Timing on UCOP: 1 year
Academic Challenges Accessibility Affordability Finding the balance in light of non-traditional student population Many employers partially or fully subsidize student charges Typically mid-career adults Enrollees view these degrees as investments (time or monetary resources) April, Academic Planning and Budget
First Steps Academic Rationale (Faculty) Degree (Courses, Other Academic considerations) Curriculum (Number of courses, Number of units) Annual Plan Quarter/Semester timing of courses Faculty FTE (Ladder and Temporary) Support staff, supplies, other operating costs Overhead (Central Administrative Fees, School and Campus Overhead) April, Academic Planning and Budget
A Comprehensive Proposal Sample Table of Contents (160 page document) April, Academic Planning and Budget Core DocumentDetails
Creation of the Financial Plan Use academic plan to create the financial plan Number of faculty and salaries Overload salary Summer ninths Staff (number and salaries) Equipment, other operating costs Important: Read the entire submission and make sure all financial components are covered in budget – even if the information is text-based. April, Academic Planning and Budget
UCOP Template Required for initial proposals and annual student charge (fee) requests Primary template components: Financial Enrollment April, Academic Planning and Budget
UCOP Template Financial April, Academic Planning and Budget Relevant Enrollment: Campus, School and Program Calculation of Annual Program revenue Direct program costs Allocated School overhead costs (based on audited campus financial schedules) Allocated Campus overhead costs (based on audited campus financial schedules) Cost per student and net proceeds We color-code entries to provide a road map for the user:
UCOP Template Enrollment April, Academic Planning and Budget By cohort: Enrollment, Student Charges (Fees), Estimated Revenue Enrollment for all self-supporting degree programs: Used to allocate School and Campus overhead on “Financial” report State-supported enrollment for School and Campus
Annual Fee Requests Fees are approved by the President (not the Regents) UCOP call letter is released in late December Proposals due to UCOP by early March Submitted on UCOP template Approval received in late Spring Can’t advertise fees until receive Presidential approval April, Academic Planning and Budget
Anderson School of Management U.S. News and World Report Ranking: #16 Already had 5 self-supporting degrees. Full-time MBA program was the only degree that was not previously self-supporting. Fully-employed MBA is largest program by enrollment. Anderson had substantial reserves accumulated from five original self-supporting degrees. Enrollment in full-time MBA: 720 students (50% non- resident). Full-time program converts to self-supporting July 1, Remains a two-year degree. April, Academic Planning and Budget
The Self-Supporting Degree in the UCLA School of Law: LL.M (Master of Laws) Advanced degree for students already holding a J.D. 12 month degree Began with 25 students Currently enrolls 130 students Alternative aspect: Student population April, Academic Planning and Budget