Honours Seminar in Psychology Lecture 1: Becoming an Honours Student
Looking at schedule of presentations
What is an Honours Student? According to the University Calendar? According to the Department Academically?
Why get an Honours Degree? It is a better degree It is a better degree Thesis/ research component Thesis/ research component Registration requirements: Treated as an “advanced degree” in provinces with Master’s- level registration Registration requirements: Treated as an “advanced degree” in provinces with Master’s- level registration To get keys to the building To get keys to the building
How does one become an honours student? Apply by January 16, 2004 Apply by January 16, 2004 Have an idea of what research areas interest you Have an idea of what research areas interest you Potential faculty supervisors Potential faculty supervisors Department reviews applications Department reviews applications Do they meet requirements? Do they meet requirements? What potential supervisors should students see? What potential supervisors should students see? Speak to potential supervisors, agree to work with one willing to supervise you Speak to potential supervisors, agree to work with one willing to supervise you You are signed in only when you have a supervisor You are signed in only when you have a supervisor Program change form Program change form
Stages of thesis progress Literature Review Develop methods Select measures Ethics Review Data collection Data analysis Drafts Final draft TIMEOral
Deadlines and grading Each student will be given an honours thesis.
Technical details The format of a thesis is highly structured The format of a thesis is highly structured APA format most of the time, but basic structure differs APA format most of the time, but basic structure differs Margins are odd to permit binding Margins are odd to permit binding Tables are inserted in text instead of at end Tables are inserted in text instead of at end Forward pages in Roman numerals Forward pages in Roman numerals Should be free of all typos Should be free of all typos Acknowledgements: Your thesis is a personal accomplishment!! Acknowledgements: Your thesis is a personal accomplishment!! Honours Committee: A final proof read by somone else at the university Honours Committee: A final proof read by somone else at the university
Thesis Disasters (that rarely occur) Project not approved by ethics Project not approved by ethics Lose thesis on computer disk Lose thesis on computer disk Can not get any subjects Can not get any subjects Supervisory problems Supervisory problems Too slow, or too busy to do a thesis Too slow, or too busy to do a thesis Lose interest or motivation Lose interest or motivation General panic or physical illness General panic or physical illness Dog ate the data Dog ate the data
Class activity In groups of three, look at your theses one section at a time and then look at grading guidelines. What grade would you give the abstract of the thesis and why? Skim other sections of the theses, comparing the three you were given. In groups of three, look at your theses one section at a time and then look at grading guidelines. What grade would you give the abstract of the thesis and why? Skim other sections of the theses, comparing the three you were given.