Promotion of Road Safety in Thai Community (A Case of Samui Island) Tawatchai Laosirihongthong, Ph.D. King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) Thailand
1. Objectives of the Project 2. Activities 3. Procedure 4. Impacts 5. Lessons Learned Introduction TPT-WG29, Chinese Taipei 29 th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Chinese Taipei, 9-13 July 2007
Locations of Risky Intersection
1. Objectives of the Project (1) Raise Awareness on - Safe Driving - Road Safety Environment (2) Demonstrate Road Improvement - Risky Intersections
2. Activities 1. Public Education -800 persons 2. Public Awareness Campaign -1,200 persons 3. Onsite Experience on Improvements of Risky Locations -200 persons
3. Procedure Problem Identification –General Problems –Problems at Hazardous Locations Preparation of Activities –Public Education and Awareness Campaign –Hazardous Location Improvements Evaluation
Activities 1. Public Education -800 persons 2. Public Awareness Campaign -1,200 persons 3. Onsite Experience on Improvements of Risky Locations -200 persons
Meeting with Local Government
Meeting with State Government
1. Public Education -800 persons 2. Public Campaign -1,200 persons
Survey for Road Safety Problems
Problems at Hazardous Locations Road User Problems (1) traffic discipline of road users (2) inexperienced drivers. Road Problems (1) insufficient traffic lights (2) insufficient traffic control device (3) unclear traffic control device
Traffic Signs at the Intersection
Activities 1. Public Education -800 persons 2. Public Awareness Campaign -1,200 persons 3. Onsite Experience on Improvements of Risky Locations -200 persons
On-Site Road Investigation
Interview with Residents
General View of the Intersection go to Beach Front
Layout of the Intersection -Before Treatment-
Layout of the Intersection -After Treatment-
Cost of Improvements Traffic SignsUS $ 500 Road MarkingsUS $ 1,500 Other WorkUS $ 150 Total Cost US $ 2,150
Sight Distance Improvement
Non-Standard Sign
Advertisement Sign
Installation of Traffic Signs and Timber barricade
Road Marking
Pavement Improvement
Before Improvement (1)
After Improvement (1)
Before Improvement (2)
After Improvement (2)
4. Impacts of the Project 87 % satisfied with the program 39.6% felt safer driving in the area. 48 % learned more about how to reduce and prevent road accident. 37 % increase in helmet wearing level.
5. Lessons Learned Improvement on road safety situation –can be done –not difficult to make it happen –a small budget –Community Involvement Involvement of local government agencies was very important because activities involve a large number of people