EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Preparation for the next Integrating Activity call M. Vretenar, on behalf of ESGARD 21 April 2015
Initial roadmap EuCARD3 is a temporary name (a new name should mark transition from FP7 to H2020) Timeline: New project should start in May 2017 (EuCARD-2 end in April 2017), duration 4 years. Goal: apply at the next IA call (INFRAIA /17, expected opening date , deadline for submission at 17:00). Communities have to be invited to the call. Expected budget up to 10 M€ (for established communities and advanced topics). Reminder: no negotiations under H2020. Process: 1.Consultation of the community on possible topics, deadline end Form sent to partners (SC, GB) of ESGARD projects calling for Letters of Intent. Keywords: novelty, integration, impact; max. budget 1 M€. 2.The ESGARD Committee defines a project structure, the main themes and nominates theme conveners to propose coherent Workpackages within specific budget guidelines. 3.Autumn 2015: preliminary organization of the proposal from theme conveners, nomination of project and WP coordinators. 4.At the call (be ready for December 2015): preparation of the proposal.
Some issues with the next IA call The EC Commission (in a recent Multi-Annual Plan for Advanced Communities invited to submit IA projects in H2020) has proposed that the “Particle Accelerator” topic is included in the 2018 Call and not in the 2016 one. This would leave a gap of >1.5 years between the end of EuCARD-2 and the start of a new project (April 2017 to end 2018). It would be extremely difficult to keep the community together during this time. We are now providing feedback to the EC to be sure that particle accelerators appears in the 2016 list. On top of that, it looks that the EC wants to focus IAs for Advanced Communities more towards Transnational Access, with a drastic limitation for all what is not TNA (Coordination, Networks and JRA’s). Accelerator projects have problems in increasing TNA and are centered on NA and JRA. Decisions should be taken at the H2020 ERI Program Committee meeting of April 30th; we have launched an action contacting the EC management and the national members of the Program Committee to bring our arguments forward and be sure that Particle Accelerators will be in the 2016 list, with an adequate share between TNA and NA/JRA.
Integrating Activities in H2020 Independently from the call at which we will apply, we must take note that Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities in H2020 are different from FP7 (as seen in the first call) and in particular need: 1.More focus on Transnational Access 2.Innovation and partnership with industry. 3.Demonstration of the added value and the progress beyond current achievements of a continuation project “EU funding will be provided to support the trans-national access to European research infrastructures, as well as the cooperation, networking and joint developments between research infrastructures, their scientific communities, industries and other stakeholders. Integrating Activities in particular should contribute to fostering the potential for innovation of research infrastructures by reinforcing the partnership with industry, through e.g. transfer of knowledge and other dissemination activities, activities to promote the use of research infrastructures by industrial researchers, involvement of industrial associations in consortia or in advisory bodies. A specific work package on innovation is therefore recommended in all Integrating Activity proposals”.
Example: AIDA 2020 AIDA 2020 is the IA from the Detector Community, coordinated by CERN Successful at the recent IA call, 14.5/15, 40 partners, 10 M€. Transnational Access: 10 small facilities grouped by subject in 3 WPs. Networks grouped by technology, including studies; main cost is personnel (PhD’s) with small fraction for common software development and for prototype testing. Includes a large Innovation Network with industry matching events, technology transfer and proof-of-concept fund. Enlarged geographical participation w.r.t. previous programmes. Budget share: 54% NA, 13.5% TNA, 29% JRA.
Guidelines for the new IA Try an approximate share of 30% JRA, 15% TNA, 50% NA, 5% management (EuCARD2: 60%, 9%, 23%, 8%). Introduce Networks for Innovation and Education&Training. Expand TNA: look for Test Stands in European Laboratories and Universities used for Accelerator R&D where access could be provided under the new project (to researchers and industry!), with the option to charge operational costs to the EU. Improve links and synergies with accelerators for applied science: synchrotron light ring-based facilities and neutron sources. Expand the basis: involve new countries and partners (but stay within a maximum of 40 partners…)
Results of the consultation 50 LoI’s received until February 2015, for a total requested budget of 32.6 M€ (3.2 x maximum budget). 10 Networks, 40 R&D, no TNA. Origin of LoI’s: 25 Germany, 7 UK, 7 CERN, 5 Spain, 2 Switzerland, 2 shared, 1 Sweden, 1 France. Notable absences: no high-field magnets (community busy with HL-LHC, high cost for continuing HTS). Little on RF (only thin films and some SC). A few new potential partners.
Main subjects All the 5 EuCARD2 Networks willing to continue Focus on beam instrumentation (6 proposals) Electron lenses (2 proposals) Thin SC films (3 proposals) SC cavitites (4 proposals, quite different) Special magnets (4 proposals, quite different) Advanced materials (2 proposals) Compact accelerators for isotopes (2 proposals) Photocathodes (2 proposals) Laser-driven acc., wakefield and dielectrics (2 proposals) Ion sources (2 proposals) …
Proposed new IA - Networks Present budget (EuCARD-2): k€/NA. Continue (but refocused and reorganised) the present EuCARD-2 Networks adding one more on Diagnostics. Overall budget for NA: 4-5 M€, means about 500 k€/NA, could cover some manpower for studies in addition to the usual organisation of Workshops. To be calibrated by NA! – NA1: Innovation – NA2: Education and Training – NA3: Energy Efficiency – NA4: Accelerator Applications – NA5: Extreme Beams (new name) – NA6: Diagnostics and Instrumentation – NA7: Novel Accelerators (EuroNNAC3) – NA8: Low-e-rings (or new name…)
Transnational Access Group by theme: 1.Materials: … 2.Magnets: … open to industry! 3.New Techniques: options in Germany, France, Italy,… 4.Beam and RF facilities: Many options… We are looking for test stands (of some size) to be open to external users (from a different European institute, can be another EuCARD partner) with the option of having part of the operational costs covered by the project.
Joint Research Activities The most critical section: 80% of the proposals received but at most 30% of the budget (down from 86% in EuCARD and 60% in EuCARD-2!). Idea to focus on few high-level subjects grouped in 3 JRA’s: – Technologies – Materials – Novel techniques Topics to be covered still under discussion; it would be important to include Beam instrumentation, Electron Lenses, some special magnets or some HTS, Material activities, Thin films, Laser driven dielectric structures, etc. Total budget for JRA’s 2-3 M€.
Proposed EuCARD3 structure Budget for NA: 4-5 M€ ( k€/NA, now k€) Budget for TA: M€ ( k€/TA, now k€) Budget for JRA: M€ ( k€/JRA, now k€) 8 Networks – NA1: Innovation – NA2: Education and Training – NA3: Energy Efficiency – NA4: Accelerator Applications – NA5: Extreme Beams – NA6: Diagnostics and Instrumentation – NA7: Novel Accelerators (EuroNNAC) – NA8: Low-e-rings (with synch. light community) 4 Transnational Access: – Material testing – Magnet testing – New Techniques – Beams and RF testing 3 Joint Research Activities – Technologies – Materials – Novel techniques Total of 16 WPs (including coordination)
Backup slides
Guidelines for H2020 A. Robin, DG R&I,
Charge to Advanced communities 'Advanced Communities' whose research infrastructures show an advanced degree of coordination and networking at present, in particular, through Integrating Activities awarded under previous Framework Programmes. The strongest impact for these communities will be expected typically to arise from focusing on innovation aspects and on widening trans-national and virtual access provision. Proposals from Communities that have benefitted from EU funding for Integrating Activities before will have to clearly demonstrate the added value and the progress beyond current achievements of a continuation project.
Instruction for 1st INFRAIA call (Workprogramme ) Light sources facilities provide services to different user communities and as such they are encouraged to participate in all relevant areas of this call. Scope: EU funding will be provided to support the trans-national access to European researcher infrastructures, as well as the cooperation, networking and joint developments between research infrastructures, their scientific communities, industries and other stakeholders. Integrating Activities in particular should contribute to fostering the potential for innovation, including social innovation, of research infrastructures by reinforcing the partnership with industry, through e.g. transfer of knowledge and other dissemination activities, activities to promote the use of research infrastructures by industrial researchers, involvement of industrial associations in consortia or in advisory bodies. A specific work package on innovation is therefore recommended in all Integrating Activity proposals. An Integrating Activity has to combine, in a closely co-ordinated manner: – (i) Networking activities, to foster a culture of co-operation between research infrastructures, scientific communities, industries and other stakeholders as appropriate – (ii) Trans-national access or service activities, to support scientific communities in their access to the identified research infrastructures; – (iii) Joint research activities, to improve, in quality and/or quantity, the integrated services provided at European level by the infrastructures. All three categories of activities are mandatory as synergistic effects are expected from these different components. However, the focus among these categories will differ for 'Starting' and 'Advanced' Communities. Focus on infrastructures (and innovation) and not on generic R&D
NA, TNA Networking activities: Networking activities could include (non exhaustive list): – dissemination and /or exploitation of project results and knowledge, contribution to socio-economic impacts, promotion of innovation; – reinforcing partnership with industry: outreach and dissemination activities, transfer of knowledge, activities to foster the use of research infrastructures by industrial researchers, involvement of industrial associations in consortia or in advisory bodies; – definition of common standards, protocols and interoperability; benchmarking; – development and maintenance of common databases for the purpose of networking and management of the users and infrastructures; – spreading of good practices, consultancy and training courses to new users; – exchange of personnel and training of staff; – foresight studies for new instrumentation, methods, concepts and/or technologies; – promotion of clustering and coordinated actions amongst related projects; – coordination with national or international related initiatives and support to the deployment of global and sustainable approaches in the field; Trans-national access activities: To provide trans-national access to researchers or research teams including from industry to one or more infrastructures among those operated by participants. These access activities should be implemented in a coordinated way such as to improve the overall services available to the research community. EU financial support will serve to provide access mostly 'free of charge' to external users, including all the infrastructural, logistical, technological and scientific support (including training courses, travel and subsistence for users). Only research teams, including industrial users that are entitled to disseminate the knowledge they have generated under the project are eligible to benefit from research services to the infrastructure under the grant agreement.
JRAs Joint Research activities: These activities should be innovative and explore new fundamental technologies or techniques underpinning the efficient and joint use of the participating research infrastructures. They should involve, whenever appropriate, industries and SMEs to promote innovation. In order to improve, in quality and/or quantity, the services provided by the infrastructures, these joint research activities could address (non exhaustive list): – higher performance methodologies and protocols; – higher performance instrumentation, including the testing of components, subsystems, materials, techniques and dedicated software; – integration of installations and infrastructures into virtual facilities; – innovative software solutions for making new user communities benefit from computing services.
Project Roadmap
From EuCARD to EuCARD-2