Dilys Williams Section 50 Inspector Section 50 Inspections
………….. improve educational experiences and life-chances ………….. enable all children to develop their full potential ………….. help them to acquire skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes ………….. promote a culture of social inclusion and respect for diversity ………….. promote pupils’ well-being ………….. provide a curriculum that engages and motivates ………….. provide a learning community ………….. meet the needs of the community as a whole All schools should ……….
… what more should a Church in Wales School do? A Distinctive Christian Character - reflected in the experience of the learners A Distinctive Christian Character - underpinning the well-being of each pupil and the whole school community A Distinctive Christian Character - because it is well led and managed as a CHURCH school It should portray……. All schools should ……….
GOOD reflected in the experience of the learners A Distinctive Christian Character CW …. positive impact, integral part of life of the school, underpinned by Christian values teaching …. lively, quiet, reflective, conscientious, interesting, subject knowledge learning …. knowledge of religion, secure understanding of Christianity achievement…. improvement in quality of work over time, celebrated, praised, displayed progress …. in response to challenges & demands in lessons staff …. dedicated, caring, supportive
A Distinctive Christian Character GOOD underpinning the well-being of each pupil and the whole school community beliefs …. able to link to every day issues, can talk about them faith …. knowledgeable, nourished, other faiths valued education …. whole child, spiritual & moral development, participation in learning values …. impact on personal development, values for life clergy …. regular presence, supporting staff and pupils, eucharist, local church staff …. role models governors…. involved, interested, helpful, share experience parents …. involved, regular presence, support community…. visited, charities, help, physical learning environment
well led and managed as a CHURCH school GOOD A Distinctive Christian Character head …. vision, values, ethos, example, expectations, discipline, knowledge of pupils, visible SMT …. vision, values, ethos, example, expectations, discipline, knowledge of pupils, visible self- evaluation…. effective, honest, strengths & weaknesses staff …. development, contribution, ownership environment …. care of buildings, learning facilities, play areas prospectus …. vision, mission, objectives, values
….. but what will make them E CELLENT ? A Distinctive Christian Character - reflected in the experience of the learners A Distinctive Christian Character - underpinning the well-being of each pupil and the whole school community A Distinctive Christian Character - because it is well led and managed as a CHURCH school Group 1 2 3
CHURCH SCHOOL Will Christian symbols be in abundance? Will the entrance hall say it all? Will I see effective learning in RE lessons? Will the Collective Worship blow me away? How welcoming will they all be? Is the leadership inspirational? Will the Vision Statement hit the right notes? Do the pupils get involved in and understand Eucharist? and the parents? How involved are they in the local community? How are they on the environment and ecology? How involved are the Governors? and the clergy?
….. what will make them E CELLENT ? a “wow” factor sector-leading practice taking it to other schools
….. but what will make them E CELLENT ? Excellence……….. 1. comes from the top 2. is reinforced by SMT 3. is delivered by staff 4. is inspired by leadership and owned by all 5. is embraced by the learners 6. becomes instinctive
What will make YOUR school E CELLENT ? …. experience of the learners …. the well-being of each pupil and the whole school community …. well led and managed as a Church school Write down THREE things which will give (or has given) YOUR school the factor ……. reflection…….