Pediatrician By: Shekijah Ward
Description Doctors wear scrubs or dressy clothes with lab coats Doctors use scales, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, stethoscope, and ophthalmoscope.
Education Bachelor (4 yrs.) Advanced Degree (4 medical school) 6 or 7 more yrs Residency (3 more yrs)
Salary: 158,000
YearSalary AmountPercent ProportionAmount of 3% increaseBeginning Salary for next year 0 $ 158,000$ 4,740$162,740 1 $ $ 167, $ 1167,622.20$ 5,028.67$ 172, $ $ 177, $ 5,334.91$ 183, $ 5,949.96$189, $5,673.46$194, $5,843.66$200, $6,01897$206, $6,199.54$212, $212,850.90
Skills Ability to work with kids Patience Empathy Leadership Organization Problem solving skills communication
Growth Expectancy Growth expectancy of a pediatrician is 24% from 2013 to 2020
Duties of Pediatrician Examine babies Specializes in childhood Illnesses
Duties of Pediatrician (2) Annual check up
Duties of Pediatrician (3) Immunizations Advises on normal development
Bibliography Ehow. 5 June February