Student Growth Focus on… PROCESS NOT CONTENT
How can this be utilized as a teacher measure? Am I doing anything that already supports this work? Where are they…where do we want to take them…how are we going to get them there?
Taking the journey
Setting the Stage Think of a time when you were part of a team as a player or as a fan and you had high expectations for your team. Think of a time when you were part of a team as a player or as a fan and your expectations were not so lofty. Discuss what attributed to your level of expectation in each of these cases with your table.
Collecting Baseline Data
Baseline Data Collected (record on student roster sheet) NOW WHAT?
Where do we want them to go? Using your baseline data, knowledge of content and pedagogy, and the context of your classroom you will create an ambitious goal for your students. What should this goal look like and how do I know it is a good goal? S Specific- The goal addresses student needs within the content. The goal is focused on a specific area of need. M Measurable- An appropriate instrument or measure is selected to assess the goal. The goal is measurable and uses an appropriate instrument. A Appropriate- The goal is clearly related to the role and responsibilities of the teacher. The goal is standards-based and directly related to the subject and students that the teacher teaches. R Realistic- The goal is attainable. The goal is doable, but rigorous and stretches the outer bounds of what is attainable. T Time-bound- The goal is contained to a single school year/course. The goal is bound by a timeline that is definitive and allows for determining goal attainment.
Characteristics and Critiquing Student Growth Goals
Write your own goal! Remember use: your baseline data, knowledge of content and pedagogy, and the context of your classroom you will create an ambitious goal for your students. SMART Process Criteria
This school year, , 100% of my third grade students will move at least 4 levels on the 3 rd Grade Fraction Understanding Rubric. Furthermore, at least 70% of my students will score proficient (level 8) according to this rubric.
How are you going to get there?
Tracking Student Growth What will your plan look like? Where will the data for your student growth goal come from? How will you collect/track data related to your student growth goal?
Classroom Student Growth Data
Take a few moments and look at what types of data was used as sources of evidence for this teacher. What are your opinions about this type of data tracking?
Year End Status
Complete Roster Data Compare your beginning and end of year data to find out the percentage of students who met the growth portion of your goal and the percentage of students who met the proficiency portion of the goal. Discussion on whether teacher was successful or not in their work.
District Certified Evaluation Plan This plan will provide guidance for how scoring of your SGGs will occur. This process was developed by your district and approved at the state level. Using Russell Ind. guidance you will assign a rating of low, expected or high for this teacher.
Local Decision Rule for Determining Growth for a Single Student Growth Goal PROFICIENCY COMPONENT High Growth Exceeds proficiency target Expected Growth Meets proficiency target within 10% of the established target Low GrowthDoes not meet proficiency target within 10% GROWTH COMPONENT High Growth All students show measurable growth with > 85% of students meeting growth target. Expected Growth All students show measurable growth with % of students meeting growth target. Low Growth <69% of students meet growth target
Local Student Growth Goal Rating Growth TargetProficiency Target Overall Student Growth Goal Rating High ExpectedHigh LowExpected High Expected LowExpected Low HighExpected Low ??????
Applying District Decision Rules GOALOutcomeRating 100% move at least 3 levels 82% moved at least 3 levels 75% are proficient 64% are proficient OVERALL RATING
Applying District Decision Rules GOALOutcomeRating 100% move at least 3 levels 68% moved at least 3 levels 75% are proficient 60% are proficient OVERALL RATING
Applying District Decision Rules GOALOutcomeRating 100% move at least 3 levels 88% moved at least 3 levels 75% are proficient 80% are proficient OVERALL RATING
Student Growth Trend Data Up to three years of student growth data will be used, when available, to determine overall growth rating for the summative evaluation.
Teacher Data: Apply District Decision Rules Teacher on a 3 year summative cycle with summative evaluation due in 2017 YEAR Grade /Subject Taught Student Growth Rating th ReadingExpected th ReadingHigh th ReadingExpected2 Summative7/3 = EXPECTED
Teacher Data: Apply District Decision Rules Non-Tenured Teacher with a summative evaluation due every year… YEAR Grade /Subject Taught Student Growth Rating th Reading Expected2 Summative th Reading High3 Summative th Reading Expected2 Summative 2.33 EXPECTED HIGH
Teacher Data: Apply District Decision Rules Teacher on a 3 year summative cycle with summative evaluation due in 2017 YEAR Grade /Subject Taught Student Growth Rating rd Grade Math Low th Grade Soc Studies Expected nd Grade Reading Expected2 Summative5/3=1.66 EXPECTED
Grades 4-8 K-Prep Individuals who receive growth data from the state assessments will have state data included in their growth goals. Your district CEP outlines the processes for including this data as well.
Overall Summative Rating Professional Practice Rating Student Growth Rating
Criteria for Determining Overall Performance Category
Summative Rating Which summative cycle will I be placed? What is my overall rating? Professional PracticeStudent GrowthOverall Performance AccomplishedExpected?? Professional PracticeStudent GrowthOverall Performance ExemplaryLow?? Professional PracticeStudent GrowthOverall Performance DevelopingLow?? Professional PracticeStudent GrowthOverall Performance IneffectiveExpected??
Questions? Charles Rutledge KEDC PGES Consultant