Visible Thinking Routines; Engagement; Collaboration Modeling Quality Instruction in Staff Meetings
Today’s Meet Learning Targets for Today Go Animate and Connector Setting the Purpose: See, Think, Wonder The Power of Positive Energy: Zoom-In Themed Choice Reading: 4 C’s and School Morale “Every Kid a Champion”: Headlines “Feed the Positive Dog”: I Used to Think; Now I Think Today’s Agenda
Name Position District Introduce Yourself!
Expand ways to engage adult learners Incorporate various technologies in meetings Understand the importance of connectors Awareness of how choice is critical for learning Become familiar with Visible Thinking Routines Reflect on School Morale and Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Learning Targets
Welcome! Go Animate
Find a partner Choose a prompt Share with your partner You and your partner now find another team. Share with the other team! Connector Table Talk Cards
Respond on Today’s Meet Discuss Why Connectors?
Visible Thinking Routine See, Think, Wonder
What do you see? What do you think is going on? What does it make you wonder?
Respond on Today’s Meet Discuss See, Think, Wonder Other uses?
The Power of Words Visible Thinking Routine: Zoom-In
Groups of 3-5 All read one short article on same topic Use the 4 C’s to guide your reading Share your 4 C’s with your group Visible Thinking Routine: 4 C’s Themed Choice Reading: Building School Morale
What CONNECTIONS do you draw between the text and your own life or your other learning? What ideas, positions, or assumptions do you want to CHALLENGE or argue with in the text? What key CONCEPTS do you thinking are important and worth holding on to from the text? What CHANGES in attitudes, thinking, or action are suggested by the text, either by you or others? 4 C’s: Visible Thinking Routine
Every Kid Needs a Champion! Rita Pierson
What were some of the core ideas in Rita Pierson’s speech? Pretend that you are a newspaper editor and you must write a headline that captures the core ideas. Share your headlines on your paper version and type it into Today’s Meet. Visible Thinking Routine: Headlines
Feed the Positive Dog – Jon Gordon
Consider School Morale and How You Can Impact It… “I used to think; Now I Think” Share Visible Thinking Routine “I Used to Think; Now I Think”
Expand ways to engage adult learners Incorporate various technologies in meetings Understand the importance of connectors Awareness of how choice is critical for learning Become familiar with Visible Thinking Routines Reflect on School Morale and Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Learning Targets
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