We call for something new, characterized by: A clear, concise theological core to which we subscribe, within classic biblical, Reformed/Evangelical traditions, and a pledge to live according to those beliefs, regardless of cultural pressures to conform; A commitment to nurture leadership in local congregations, which we believe is a primary expression of the Kingdom of God. We will identify, develop, and train a new generation of leaders – clergy and laity; A passion to share in the larger mission of the people of God around the world, especially among the least, the lost, and the left behind; A dream of multiplying healthy, missional communities throughout North America; A pattern of fellowship reflecting the realities of our scattered life and joint mission, with regular gatherings locally, regionally, and nationally to excite our ability to dream together.
Our values include: A minimalist structure, replacing bureaucracy and most rules with relational networks of common purpose; Property and assets under stewardship of the local Session. Dues/Gifts for common administration should only allow and enable continued affiliation among these congregations; Rather than large institutions, joint ventures with specialized ministries as congregations deem helpful [PC(USA) World Mission may be a source of joint support, aspects of the Board of Pensions, Presbyterian Foundation, Presbyterian Global Fellowship, Presbyterians for Renewal conferences, Outreach Foundation, etc.]; An atmosphere of support for congregations both within and outside of the PC(USA).
Minneapolis, August Teaching Discussion Worship
The Post 10-A PCUSA: The Presbyterian Church (USA) has effectively shifted the responsibility for defining acceptable belief and practice from the Scriptures and the Confessions to over 10,000 governing councils. Responding to the change are those who: 1.Advocate 2.Accommodate 3.Differentiate 4.Separate
The Fellowship of Presbyterians is an informal body of individuals and congregations who are exploring ways to differentiate and possibly separate from the current drift or shift of the denomination. As currently envisioned, individuals and congregations might participate in the Fellowship at one or more levels or “tiers”: 1.As members of current PCUSA presbyteries, but identified as associated with the Fellowship in terms of theological and missional values. Working with other such congregations and individuals sharing resources, contacts, encouragement and support.
The Fellowship of Presbyterians is an informal body of individuals and congregations who are exploring ways to differentiate and possibly separate from the current drift or shift of the denomination. As currently envisioned, individuals and congregations might participate in the Fellowship at one or more levels or “tiers”: 2.As members of newly created presbyteries existing within the same geographical boundaries of continuing presbyteries. Some called this the “overlay” option. Opinions vary as to whether this is possible under current FOG provisions of whether amendment should be proposed to the 2012 GA. This option is being developed in the Austin, Texas, area.
The Fellowship of Presbyterians is an informal body of individuals and congregations who are exploring ways to differentiate and possibly separate from the current drift or shift of the denomination. As currently envisioned, individuals and congregations might participate in the Fellowship at one or more levels or “tiers”: 3.As members of current PCUSA presbyteries, but clustered in new “orders” within those presbyteries. These new orders might have their own committees on ministry and preparation for ministry, for instance. Again, opinions vary as to whether this is possible under current FOG provisions.
The Fellowship of Presbyterians is an informal body of individuals and congregations who are exploring ways to differentiate and possibly separate from the current drift or shift of the denomination. As currently envisioned, individuals and congregations might participate in the Fellowship at one or more levels or “tiers”: 4.As members of a new reformed body to which congregations and pastors would be formally dismissed by their PCUSA presbytery. Discussion has been had regarding shared administrative services with the PCUSA and affiliate membership or union churches and presbyteries.
The Fellowship of Presbyterians is an informal body of individuals and congregations who are exploring ways to differentiate and possibly separate from the current drift or shift of the denomination. As currently envisioned, individuals and congregations might participate in the Fellowship at one or more levels or “tiers”: The possibility of variations on the various themes or combinations of the different tiers is almost endless. Details remain sketchy at this point.
The Fellowship of Presbyterians is an informal body of individuals and congregations who are exploring ways to differentiate and possibly separate from the current drift or shift of the denomination. The next step in the evolution or emergence of the Fellowship will be a gathering in Orlando, Florida, January 12-14, 2012, at which time a statement of faith will be present for approval and the “new reformed body” will become a formal entity.
The Fellowship of Presbyterians is an informal body of individuals and congregations who are exploring ways to differentiate and possibly separate from the current drift or shift of the denomination. My personal plan is to continue participation in the Fellowship as it evolves. Tiers 2 or 3 participation is difficult to imagine in our context. Tier 1 affiliation is easy enough. I would be very open to some option to remain connected to the PCUSA but clearly differentiated in some associate or union membership capacity. I would suggest that LPC consider similar continued participation. Bill Teague
Langhorne Presbyterian Church Sharing the Life of Jesus