ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons Smith’s Wood Sports College
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons Result GCSE Grades YEAR5+ A-C GRADES % % % % % % % % % %
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons Houses Ash Yew Bay Elm
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons Uniform Must wear polish able shoes Tie Blazer Shirt trousers
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons Maths Science PE Music Drama Art English History
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons English.We get given home work once a week. In our English lessons we learn about some of the most important things we need I our life.. We have English 3 times a week..
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons Maths Maths is a subject you need to focus in and get good gcse in to get a good job maths is a really important subject
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons ICT Ict is for using the computers and sending s and texting people and doing home work on the computers
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons P.E P.E. is a lesson when you do sports and exercises and learn different sport
ResultHomeHousesUniformLessons Art Art is a lesson when you do art things and you do drawings and art work