Tried before Pilate, 15:1-20 Crucified, 15:21-26 Jesus was put on trial, declared innocent five times, and sentenced to death. Chapter 15
The words & actions of Jesus on the cross reflect His commitment to God and man. Chapter 15
Jesus was reviled. Jesus commended Mary to John. Verses Chapter 15 Jesus commended His spirit to God. Joseph commended His body to the earth.
Chapter 15 By being put on it, 15:27-28; Lk. 23:34; Acts 2:23, By those who passed by, 15:29-30 By the Jewish leaders, 15:31-32 Mt. 27:41-43 By the soldiers, Lk. 23:36-37 By the thieves, 15:32; Lk. 23:39-43 Jesus was reviled on the cross, 27-32
Chapter 15 His brothers did not believe, Jn. 7:5 Mary KNEW He was born of a virgin. Jesus commended Mary to John, Jn. 19:25-27
Chapter 15 Darkness covered the land, 15:33 “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” 15:34-36 –S–Separation for sin, 2 Cor. 5:21? –L–Lack of intercession, Psa. 22:1-2; Acts 2:23 Jesus commended His spirit to God, 33-41
Chapter 15 “I thirst,” Jn. 19:28-29 –P–Prophecy, Psa. 22:15; 69:21 –S–Sour wine, Ruth 2;14; Num. 6:3 Jesus commended His spirit to God, 33-41
Chapter 15 “It is finished,” Jn. 19:30; 17:4 “Father, ‘into Your hands I commend My spirit,’” Lk. 23:46 Jesus commended His spirit to God, 33-41
Chapter 15 Great signs, 15:38 –V–Veil of temple torn. –E–Earthquake, Mt. 27:51 –D–Dead raised, Mt. 27:52-53 Jesus commended His spirit to God, 33-41
Chapter 15 Various reactions. –C–Centurion. Feared, Mt. 27:54 “Righteous man,” Lk. 23:37 “Son of God,” Mk. 15:39; Mt. 27:54 Jesus commended His spirit to God, 33-41
Chapter 15 Various reactions. –C–Crowd, Lk. 23:48 –A–Acquaintances, Lk. 23:49; Mk. 15:40-41 Faith. Witnesses. Jesus commended His spirit to God, 33-41
Chapter 15 Jews wanted the body removed, Jn. 19:31-37 –L–Law, Deut. 21:22-23 –D–Double Sabbath. –L–Legs broken to hasten death. Joseph commended His body to the earth, 42-47
Chapter 15 Jews wanted the body removed, Jn. 19:31-37 –C–Christ was dead. Expert executioners. Blood & water. Never disputed, Mt. 28:11-13 Joseph commended His body to the earth, 42-47
Chapter 15 Joseph of Arimathea requested the body of Jesus, 15:42-46 –S–Sanhedrin, 15:43 –G–Good man, Lk. 23:50 –D–Disagreed with council, Lk. 23:51 –R–Rich man, Mt. 27:57 Joseph commended His body to the earth, 42-47
Chapter 15 Joseph of Arimathea requested the body of Jesus, 15:42-46 –D–Disciple, Mt. 27:57 Secretly, Jn. 19:38 No longer! –B–Buried the Lord, Jn. 19:39-42; Isa. 53:9 Joseph commended His body to the earth, 42-47
Chapter 15 Women observed, 15:47 Tomb secured, Mt. 27:62-66 –L–Likely Friday evening. –N–No theft took place. Joseph commended His body to the earth, 42-47
Jesus was reviled. Jesus commended Mary to John. Verses Chapter 15 Jesus commended His spirit to God. Joseph commended His body to the earth.
Tried before Pilate, 15:1-20 Crucified, 15:21-26 Jesus was put on trial, declared innocent five times, and sentenced to death. Chapter 15
The words & actions of Jesus on the cross reflect His dedication to God and man. Chapter 15