“The Psalm of the Cross” & “The Victorious Sufferer” Lesson 7: Psalm 22
Psalm 22 This Psalm has been called “The Psalm of the Cross” because much of the suffering it describes occurred at Jesus’ crucifixion. –Depicts suffering from the Sufferer’s viewpoint. It may also depict David’s suffering. –Much of the Psalm is figurative, but portions of it were literally fulfilled at the cross For example, the quotation of Jesus’ words and the words of the chief priests, the piercing of hands and feet, and the dividing of garments. “The Victorious Sufferer” praises the Lord and encourages all to join him in praise.
The Forsaken Sufferer (Psalm 22:1-21) God does not hear his cry (1-2, Psalm 13) Yet he knows that God is holy and a great Deliverer (3-5, cf. Exodus 3:7) Men have made him feel worthless (6-8; 42:3) Yet he continues to trust in God (9-11) His suffering is described (12-18) –Surrounded by enemies (12-13) –Suffering without emotional or physical strength (14-15) –Hurt and humiliated by the wicked (16-18) His final cry for deliverance (19-21)
The Sufferer Delivered by God (Psalm 22:22-31) The afflicted publicly praises God for His deliverance and encourages others to do so as well. (22:22-25; Hebrews 2:12; 5:7) All will worship the Lord “for the kingdom is the Lord’s and He rules over nations.” (22:26-31). Praise will come from… –The meek & those who seek the Lord. –The ends of the earth. –Both the prosperous and the dying. –Future generations.
The Psalm of the Cross (22:1-6) Seven statements fulfilled at the Cross VERSE 1 -- “My God, My God, why have You Forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46-50) VERSE 7 -- “All those who see Me ridicule Me…” (Matthew 27:38-44; 1 Peter 2:23) VERSE 8 -- “He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue Him…” (Matthew 27:43, cf. 22:9-11; Isaiah 49:1-6) VERSE “…They pierced my hands and my feet” (Matthew 27:35a; John 20:24-27) VERSE 17a -- “I can count all my bones” (Jn 19:33ff.) VERSE 17b “They look and stare at me” (Matthew 27:36; John 19:37) VERSE 18 – “They divide My garments…for My clothing they cast lots” (Matt. 27:35; John 19:23-24)