Only 22 days left... Summer in Spain Blog:
Departure: February 7 th School bus will depart school at 1:00pm Iberia Flight 6166 Flight departs at 5:25PM Arrive 6:20am Friday, February 8th in Madrid Quick meeting to touch 2pm before weekend with families.
Return Flight – Thursday February 21 st Iberia Flight 6165 Flight arrives at Logan at 2:35PM Please arrive at Logan Airport at the arrival time to pick up your student!
Please bring a small Thank You gift for your host family ◦ Things typical to New England ◦ Maple Syrup ◦ Books about New England ◦ Sports gear (Red Sox, Celtics etc.) ◦ Candy ◦ Tea towels
The itinerary is designed to offer students a taste of Spain’s culture. All school days and field trips are mandatory. All field trips will leave from the school. School Days: 2/8 Meeting at 2pm 2/12 2/14 2/15 2/19 BHS Teacher Sign-Off on Homework Sheets
2.11 –El Prado, Retiro & Madrid (lunch out) 2.13 – Palacio Real – Madrid 2.18 – Segovia 2.20 – Toledo Weekend activities will be with individual families
You have received a paper copy of a “suggested packing list”. Our blog has a post with the packing list as well. Remember: Your host families will offer to do laundry, however, dryers are not found in many homes – thus a pair of pants may take a day or two to dry. Only 1 checked luggage per person. Only 1 carry-on per person (liquids: 3 oz. bottle or less in a clear plastic bag)
Students will receive cell phones upon arrival in Spain
Students will be very busy. Talking on the phone everyday is not an option. Allow them to experience independence during this trip. Students are not permitted to use host family’s phone to make phone calls, except for true emergencies. Spain’s country code: 34 Most students will have wi-fi access at homes and will be able to facetime/skype for free.
Students will attend class on class days from 8:00AM-2:00PM. Students will be prompt for all meeting times. Students will participate in all activities and excursions. Students will treat host family, teachers, and peers will respect at all times.
Students will not consume ANY alcohol or drugs. Students will be sent back and will face consequences such as… No prom Won’t be able to walk at graduation Suspension Expulsion Please discuss your family policy on piercings & tattoos, etc. with your student before they leave.
How much to bring? Remember: The following are already included: ◦ Meals ◦ Lodging ◦ Transportation ◦ Laundry
PARENTS: Permission to provide medical treatment release form STUDENTS: BHS Teacher Sign-Off on Homework form