1 WE-Mentor preparatory meeting Stuttgart 12/2006 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum.


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Presentation transcript:

1 WE-Mentor preparatory meeting Stuttgart 12/2006 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Innovation Relay Centre Stuttgart-Erfurt-Zürich Dr. Petra Püchner/Valerie Bahr/Ksenia Polonski

2 WE-Mentor preparatory meeting Stuttgart 12/2006 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey Founded in 1990, Innovation Relay Centre (IRC) since 1993 Location: Stuttgart and Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Staff: 29 people Non-profit Steinbeis Transfer Centre – Budget ~1 Mio. Euro – financed to 85% by projects – Publicly funded projects: EU, national and regional ministries – Approx. 20 company projects per year Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ)

3 WE-Mentor preparatory meeting Stuttgart 12/2006 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey Exploitation Companies / SMEs Regional & national Ministries Universities & RTDs Transnational Technology transfer European Commission EU RTD Management Proposals Entrepreneurship IPR & negotiation Company missions Broker-services Expert meetings/study tours European conferences SEZ clients / services

4 WE-Mentor preparatory meeting Stuttgart 12/2006 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey SEZ clients / services VITO Network Innovating Regions NCP Network ETI & SSA DG Research Entrepreneurship Innovation Relay Centres ProWomEn SAIL Verite TII Proknowledge WomEn2FP6 MISMEC European Conferences Nanomat Expert Meetings Study tours Interreg Rhintech IRC StEZ NCP CRAFT EU University Offices Network Steinbeis TC Network NanoRoad Boosting Baltic FP6 MediaTrans ISOPTT FemStart NewTickeTTSincere WENETTConnect2Ideas SecureForce EPISTEP Regional Innovation Strategy RegStratUPRISRisBridge GalEdge WE-Mentor