TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Stuttgart Region 179 municipalities 2.68 million inhabitants from 170 countries 3654 square kilometres 735 inhabitants/square kilometer (2011) billion Euro GDP (2009)
TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Official Tasks VRS Infrastructure Transportation Economy Environment Optional tasks Regional transportation planning Suburban railways and busses Landscape planning / environmental planning SEA Garbage disposal (partial) Funding of trade fairs and conventions Promotion of culture, sports, congresses Regional land use planning Planning of technical services Regional Landscape Park Promotion of economic development Funding of Stuttgart international trade fair Tourism marketing -> VRS is not a local but a regional authority which has no tasks and responsibilities in social aspects or in development of local sites (besides parts of green infrastructure) -> but: VRS is in close contact to the 179 municipalities and has broad experience in spatial planning -> and: VRS has knowledge in the field of climate change
TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Tasks in WP3 with VRS as associate according to work programme 3.4 Inventory of sites with the potential for drawing on community capital to enhance social resilience structures -> contrubition of VRS to be discussed 3.8 Assess and expand upon the the novel concept of „urban comfort zones“ and develop strategies for their incorporation into existing planning processes -> support Stuttgart University with special Data and practical planning experience -> support implementation of „Green Wall“ -> support pilot City Ludwigsburg to implement the „Urban comfort zone concept“ in their Preparatory Land Use Plan and other plans Pilot test combined strategies in selected neighbourhoods. -> contrubition of VRS to be discussed (is green wall pilot test?) Contribution VRS to WP 3
TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Forcast Climate Change: dramatical increase of „Heat Island Effect“ in the Region until > rising need for „urban comfort zones, especially in densely populated areas -> green wall as one possible component of an „urban comfort zone“ VRS Special Data Example Climate Atlas Hints for local Preparatory Land Use Plan -> for all 179 municipalities in the Region
TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY The possible Green Wall Site City of Ludwigsburg third biggest city in the conurbation of Stuttgart Region inhabitants densely built-up areas in the city center suffers already heat island effect