War’s Causes The Great War America and the War Mobilizing for War Treatment of Groups Terms
Causes: 100 A devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation. Nationalism
Causes: 200 DOUBLE JEOPARDY “the protector of the slavic peoples”
Causes: 300 German Kaiser who determined that his state should militarize and build huge destroyers and submarines. Kaiser Wilhelm
Causes: 400 Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Central Powers
Causes: 500 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot in this city? Sarajevo, Serbia.
The Great War: 100 The German war plan which called for a rapid invasion of France and a fortification of Eastern front against Russia. Schlieffen Plan
The Great War:200 The area between trenches in trench warfare. No Man’s Land
The Great War: 300 The cumulative effects of relentless bombing. Shell Shock
The Great War: 400 This battle in 1916 claimed 600,000 casualties in ONE DAY. Battle of the Somme
The Great War: 500 The former conscientious objector who gained fame for capturing 132 Germans and killing 25, with only a rifle, six others, and a revolver. Alvin York
America and the War:100 Luxury liner that was sunk…despite its falsified cargo documents that said it wasn’t carrying weapons. The Lusitania
America and the War: 200 The Germans antagonized our neighbor to the south by encouraging them to join an alliance in exchange for land exchanged in the 1840’s. Zimmerman note.
America and the War: 300 DAILY DOUBLE I was the first female elected to congress, and the only person to vote against WWI? Jeannette Rankin
America and the War: 400 The system that saw a groups of ships guarding merchant ships allowed the US to successfully cut shipping losses by ½ and re-engage Europe in commerce? Convoy System
America and the War: th Infantry Harlem Hell Fighters
Mobilizing for War: 100 Regulatory body that was organized to encourage companies to increase efficiency and use mass production techniques? War Industries Board
Mobilizing for the War: 200 Selected as the leader of the American Expeditionary Force? John J. Pershing
Mobilizing for the War: 300 Headed up the Food Administration Herbert Hoover
Mobilizing for the War: 400 Term used for Anti-German sentiment during WWI. Robert Prager. Hypernationalism
Mobilizing for the War: 500 Created to settle disputes between management and labor? National War Labor Board
Treatment of groups: 100 Jailed for questioning the democracy of the US, ran for president from jail. Eugene V. Debs
Treatment of Groups: 200 The large scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks to Northern cities? Great Migration
Treatment of Groups: 300 Sociologist who believed that African Americans should support the war as it would lead to justice down the road? W.E.B DuBois
Treatment of Groups: 400 A person could be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced to 20 years for interfering with the war effort or for saying anything disloyal, profane, or abusive about the war. Espionage and Sedition Acts
Treatment of Groups: 500 Gave women the right to vote 19 th Amendment
Terms: 100 Required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service. Selective Service Act
Terms: 200 Long term cause of the war involving the development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy. Militarism
Terms: 300 A person who opposes warfare on moral grounds Conscientious objector
Terms: 400 The name given to the successful American aviators during WWI. Flying Ace
Terms: 500 Court case that gave us the: “Clear and Present Danger” principle in assessing freedom of speech. Schenk v. USA