Universities in the cross border cooperation Status of the Hungarian Joint Project AT-HU Die Rolle der Hochschulen in der Regionalentwicklung Krems, 30 th March 2006 HAS CRS West Hungarian Research Institute Dr. Mihály Lados Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Director HAS CRS West Hungarian Research Institute H-9022 Győr, Liszt F. u. 10. H-9002 Győr, Pf Tel.: +36/96/ Fax:+36/96/ web:
Time schedule of the project Duration of the Hungarian Project – 1. June 2005 – 30. September 2006 First Phase: exploration-phase (10 months) – analysing document => theoretical part – 30 interviews (vice-chancellors, deans, mayors, regional agencies) => case studies – student-questionnaire => empirical part Second Phase: analysis, studies, conclusions (6 months) – documentation of results of the research, processing questionnaires – 2 focus group workshops – writing the final report – closing conference
Research area of the project I. Faculties outside the seat of institutes Source: HAS CRS WHRI, 2006.
Research area of the project II. Training centres outside the seat of institutes Training centres of the institutes of the region Training centres of the institutes which have the seat outside the region Source: HAS CRS WHRI, 2006.
Interviews – main questions 1.Co-operations with universities in the neighbouring countries (student exchange, teacher exchange, scholarships, joint education programme). 2.Applications for joint education programme –at country, regional, county level –PHARE CBC/Interreg IIIA program –Other bilateral programs supported by the EU. 3.Research co-operations with the neighbouring countries 4.Analysis of location factor of Universities –Based on research fields between universities –Austrian-Hungarian border area, effects of the Vienna region 5.Co-operations with the host towns
Student questionnaire – objectives, target groups Students´ expenditures => measuring regional effects of universities Relations of students with Austrian Universities – Study at an Austrian university – Scholarship at an Austrian university – Planning to study in Austria Survey –pattern: approaching approx. 18,000 students –location: 7 cities, 11 institutions, 18 departments
Student questionnaire – internet based survey – web-based form (PhP, MySQL) – gifts to motivate the students – additional promotion needed: through: Neptun, Newsletters, , Social-network sites, university press, viral marketing,
Survey – semi-results questionnaires has been filled since approx. 10% are partly filled 16,3 6,5 2,5 0,0 5,2 2,6 15,8 4,3 38,5 / 0,5 / 8,0 62,4 / 0,0 / 8,7 4,7 6,5 6,3 / 1,7 / 0,5 2,1 / 0,0 / 6,5 Planned distribution Current state
Attraction districts of West-Hungarian Universities Data base – students´ permanent living place Defining attraction districts of West-Hungarian Universities Széchenyi István University – repeat of the enquiry => measuring changes (1992, 1999, 2006)
Attraction district of the Széchenyi István University 1992 Source: HAS CRS WHRI, 1992.
Attraction district of the Széchenyi István University 1999 Source: HAS CRS WHRI, 1992.
Expected results of the project Project home-page Book about the results Closing conference – presentation of the results
Thank you for your attention! Dr. Mihály Lados Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Director HAS CRS West Hungarian Research Institute H-9022 Győr, Liszt F. u. 10. H-9002 Győr, Pf Tel.: +36/96/ Fax:+36/96/ web: The Role of Universities in the Regional Development