Update on the Progress of SEAL to The Landlords Forum Thursday 15 th August 2013
New Steering Group Members David Dedman FRICS Michelle Reeve of Peak Property Mark Danniells of Host Property David Batter of the Westcliff Community Association
Service Requests and Complaints A lot has been achieved since the last Forum, responding to many service requests through: SEAL Identification Stickers in Members Properties Increased cooperation from the Council, firm processes in place within the Private Sector Housing (PSH) Team and Customer Contact Centre (CSC), ensuring that SEAL Members have the opportunity to resolve cases before they come to the attention of the PSH, avoiding the likelihood of formal inspections
Service Requests and Complaints continued When a tenant or resident makes and enquiry and has not contacted SEAL they will be directed to do so before the enquiry is escalated to the PSH or other Council Team. There is a better understanding of SEAL’s aims throughout the Council Good feedback on how SEAL is fielding and helping resolve these complaints.
Recent Achievements The troublesome Tenant List is operating, ask for guidance sheet showing the approved Data Protection clause to enable us to share information about existing tenants. Members who have already got their tenants to sign this clause are already adding their problematic tenants names to the list which members receive.
Advertising with SEAL Advertise you are a SEAL Member Logos ready to use for business paperwork and press advertising Prove you are a professional landlord or Agent by demonstrating you follow the SEAL Code of Conduct backed by SBC
Joint Advertising Campaign We will be contacting members shortly to discuss a joint advertising campaign to increase the awareness of SEAL in the local press We hope to attract editorial to compliment our advertising Expanding the SEAL website to include advertising for recommended SEAL Partners, who will be allowed to use the SEAL Partner logo.
Reminder to Members Get the identification stickers installed, most tenants are proud that their landlord belongs to an elite group. Send 2 examples of your 6 monthly inspection sheets to Tina no later than the end of August Collect a helpful checklist at out desk, or request by to Tina. Any queries and difficulties you may have with our procedures please get in touch with Tina or Judith, and remember we have a lady who can visit and help you to SEALise your paperwork, first half an hour for free. Get the details from Tina.
Not a SEAL Member yet ? Help us to help you by joining SEAL and become part of a collective voice for Landlords and Agents locally, and nationally through our associations. Work together with Southend Borough Council to raise the standards of local rented properties and the Anti-Social behaviour of the tenants renting those properties, through the more supported management procedures of SEAL
Stop Press The decision at the July Steering Group meeting was that the HMO area of the market deserves a special discussion focussing on how our members can achieve the property standards, and manage the Anti Social Behaviour as required by the Council, against the background of troubled tenants who need a lot of professional help. Members known to operate in the area have been invited to contribute to this meeting, as have the specialist agencies such as HARP and the Council Officers experienced in that area. Watch this space! End