Mobil e Advertising What it is and where it goes… Tomáš Mátl, Vodafone - Media Solutions
World’s biggest mobile operator More than Customers in CZ Highest average ARPU on Czech mobile market First operator to launch mobile advertising in September 2007 Now covering mobile, web and print 2008 advertising revenue in tens of million CZK About Vodafon e (and Advertising)
How Often There Is a New Media Type? Time Ability to target Context Time Context Time Context Time Context User Selection Time Context User Selection Location Age Gender Interests
Mobile Advertising – what it is (and is not) Well…mainly it is: “…It is sending people SMSes…” “…It is like internet, but small…” But it is not: Old traditional WAP Expensive Slow Limited in access Mobile Internet Portals (e.g. VF live!) Banners, Sponsored links, Search Pushed messages (SMS, MMS) Complemented with exact targeting and billing
Mobile Internet is Growing Fast „ Too expensive.” „It is not really an internet…“ „How to access it at all?“ Mobile internet until Nov 08 Closed garden – partner content only Subscription-based services Browsers for mobile pages only Flat fee data tariffs 6 moths free promo Vodafone Mobile internet now Live! portal as a gateway to internet Web content adaptation Free services *) Source: Seznam
Why Mobile Media Mobile phone as a part of personality: Key Mobile Media Differentiator: Interactivity & conversion Targeting:Interactivity: The most personal device to Customers, “always” on Customer knowledge - precise targeting tool Billing relationship and customer “ownership” Customers accept (and want) relevant advertising Customer demographics Location Segment, Micro segment Click to Browse, Click to more Info Click to Call, Click to SMS Click to Buy
Key Questions MA is to Address 1.How can the campaign generate money to Advertiser? 2.How can the campaign get Customer in direct contact with Advertiser? 3.Can Customers directly buy the advertised product?
From Portal to Monetized Traffic 1. Advertisers and Partners monetize traffic generated via VF live! User click will lead to: Redirect to Advertiser’s page, Use of Advertiser’s service VF live! is positioned as a gate to mobile internet,
From Portal to Contact with Customer 2. Advertisers benefit from direct contact with Customers… Call or SMS initiation, Coupon download Registration on Advertiser’s page or form Click to CALL Click to SMS Click to DOWNLOAD Click to REGISTER
1. Customer buys / reserves a product 2. S/he is charged via bill or credit Suitable for… Airlines, hotels, travel agencies Betting companies Financial institutions Ticket distributors Service Supscriptions …etc From Portal to Purchase 3. New Distribution Channel complementing Campaigns
Mobile pages Audience Measurement General Business model definition Market standardization (reporting) Code of conduct Key Initiatives for Future Success
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