Business and Computing Deanery 3D Modelling Tools Week 3 Transformations, cloning and arrays, modifiers
3D Modelling Tools 2 Last week Lecture Parametric modelling Creating primitives Naming objects Assigning colours Altering parameters Standard and extended primitives Selection of objects Transformations Tutorial Presentation Portfolio Tutorials
3D Modelling Tools 3 This week Lecture Transformations Cloning and arrays Grouping Modifiers Set Portfolio 1 Tutorial Portfolio 1 To be handed in at the tutorial next week Tutorials Space scene Chess set
3D Modelling Tools 4 From last week Define and describe the term Cartesian coordinates Why can setting the units be important for models? Why is intersecting meshes a problem in modelling? What are the three methods of transform used in 3ds Max?
3D Modelling Tools 5 What is 3D? 3D graphics -2D representation of 3D objects – flattened Objects exist in the memory of the computer No physical form Numbers and mathematical formulas
3D Modelling Tools 6 3D software Enables you to create a scene, fill it full of objects Apply materials to the objects Lighting Virtual cameras Animation View Make a video Export as a 3D model
3D Modelling Tools 7 Snaps toolbar Snap objects to each other Face Midpoint Endpoint Edge Murdock K.L., (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 8 Snaps activity Make a methane molecule One carbon atom Four smaller hydrogen atoms Set Snap options to Grid and Vertex Create a tetrahedron primitive Set the parameter to 1 Add spheres using Snap 3D Murdock K.L., (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 9 Cloning objects Cloning is the process of creating copies of objects These copies can maintain an internal connection Instance Reference Murdock K.L., (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 10 Array An array is a set of regularly ordered objects Usually in a pattern Rows or columns Circle Murdock K.L., (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 11 Cloning with Max First select the object Three ways to achieve a clone Edit > Clone Crt+C Crt+V Transform the object whilst holding the Shift key Name the clone
3D Modelling Tools 12 Clones Copies Maintains no links to the parent Instances An instance is an interchangeable clone of the original. Modifying an instanced object is the same as modifying the original. When you change one instance all the other instances change with it. References References are like "one-way" instances. Any modification made to the original object is passed on to its references, but any modification made to a reference is not passed back to the original. 3ds max v7, (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 13 Cloning activity Create a flat surface, like a tray Place a teapot on top of the tray Clone the teapot Make a copy Make an instance Make a reference Change the colours of the parent and clones, what happens? Change the sizes, what happens?
3D Modelling Tools 14 Mirror Cloning of symmetrical parts You specify an axis Clone options No clone Copy Instance Reference 3ds max v7, (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 15 Mirror activity Make a torso from cylinders Add an arm/hand from cylinders Make a mirror Repeat for a leg
3D Modelling Tools 16 Arraying Specification of dimensions offsets and transformation values What are the differences in these arrays? 3ds max v7, (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 17 Linear array What are the differences between these arrays? 3ds max v7, (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 18 Circular and spiral arrays Circular arrays Rotation around a common centre rather than movement along an axis Important to choose the Transform centre first Spiral arrays the direction of rotation determines the direction of the spiral: which way it winds up or down. Enter a positive rotation for a counterclockwise spiral. Enter a negative rotation for a clockwise spiral.
3D Modelling Tools 19 Array activity Create linear arrays of primitives 1D 2D 3D Create a circular array Create a spiral array
3D Modelling Tools 20 Grouping A method to organise objects to make them easier to work with Why? What is the difference between grouping and layers? Give examples of how you would use either?
3D Modelling Tools 21 To link or to group? Groups Allows you to move things together Give a name Nested groups, example? Linked hierarchies Attaches or links objects together An arm is a classic example, what is the hierarchy? Only grouping today, more on linking later
3D Modelling Tools 22 Grouping activity Build a snowman Group the separate elements of the snowman Give it a name Create an array of snowmen
3D Modelling Tools 23 Modifiers Murdock K.L. (2005) compares modifiers to a set of tools in a wood workshop Modifiers can be used for example to Reshape objects Apply material mappings Deform an object’s surface In 3ds Max there are many, many modifiers
3D Modelling Tools 24 Modifier stack Manager for all modifiers applied to one object First is the Base object Use the stack to: View and manipulate the sequence of modifiers Find a particular modifier Adjust a modifier's parameters Select a modifier's gizmo or center Activate or deactivate a modifier Delete or disable a modifier
3D Modelling Tools 25 Modifier types Far too many to list Covered in more depth in later lectures Today: Parametric modifiers Affect the geometry of objects Pulling, pushing, stretching, bending, twisting
3D Modelling Tools 26 What are the modifiers? 3ds max v7, (2005)
3D Modelling Tools 27 Modifier activity Create some primitives Apply Stretch Ben Taper Twist Melt
3D Modelling Tools 28 Portfolio 1 Screen grab of 3ds max of your model of: A room created from primitives Floor 3 walls Containing a table Rectangular table top Four rectangular legs Plus four chairs or stools And on the table place Six oranges spaced equally in a circle A coffee pot
3D Modelling Tools 29 Next week – work due Lecture Your presentation Tutorial Portfolio 1
3D Modelling Tools 30 Impendent study Directed reading 3DS Max 7 Bible By now you should have read Chapters QS, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Read Chapter 12 for Week 5 Finish off Animated Still life, Space Scene and the Chess set tutorial Work on your presentation Portfolio 1
3D Modelling Tools 31 Questions 1 You have been asked to model a display of soft drink cans What technique would you use? Describe the parameters used to position them Give suitable dimensions How would you “damage” some of the cans? What are the 3 different methods of cloning, discuss in the context of the “damaged” cans
3D Modelling Tools 32 Questions 2 You have been asked to model some robots Describe the method to make symmetrical elements of the model Describe the terms grouping or linking and make a recommendation of which to use with the elements of the robot Describe the technique you would use to position 20 robots in a circle
3D Modelling Tools 33 References 3ds max v7, (2005) User Reference and Tutorials Murdock K.L., (2005) 3DS Max 7 Bible, John Wiley & Sons Inc, ISBN: