FITNESSGRAM ® Healthy Fitness Zone ® Standards and Testing Canyon Middle School
Basic Testing Information AgeAge GenderGender These are used to determine where your Healthy Fitness Zone is for each test. HeightHeight WeightWeight These are used to determine your BMI (Body Mass Index), used with the Aerobic Capacity test (Mile Run)
What is BMI? BMI (Body Mass Index) provides an indication of the appropriateness of a child’s weight relative to height.BMI (Body Mass Index) provides an indication of the appropriateness of a child’s weight relative to height. Body Mass index is determined by the following formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m). An example is provided to demonstrate how weight and height interact to influence the BMI score.Body Mass index is determined by the following formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m). An example is provided to demonstrate how weight and height interact to influence the BMI score. A student weighing 100 pounds (45.36 kg) who is 5 feet (1.52 m) tall would have a BMI of Another student of the same weight but 5 feet 2 inches (1.57 m) tall would have a BMI of The same weight is more appropriate for the slightly taller person, so the BMI is slightly lower.A student weighing 100 pounds (45.36 kg) who is 5 feet (1.52 m) tall would have a BMI of Another student of the same weight but 5 feet 2 inches (1.57 m) tall would have a BMI of The same weight is more appropriate for the slightly taller person, so the BMI is slightly lower.
Curl-Ups Objective: To complete as many curl-ups as possible up to a maximum of 80 at a specified pace.Objective: To complete as many curl-ups as possible up to a maximum of 80 at a specified pace. You do not have a partner hold your feet. Your feet must remain on the ground throughout the test.You do not have a partner hold your feet. Your feet must remain on the ground throughout the test.
Track Mile Objective: To run a mile at the fastest pace possible (i.e., shortest time). If a student gets tired, it is okay to walk, but try to at least maintain a slow jog throughout the assessment.Objective: To run a mile at the fastest pace possible (i.e., shortest time). If a student gets tired, it is okay to walk, but try to at least maintain a slow jog throughout the assessment. An aerobic capacity score (VO 2max ) cannot be obtained for mile times greater than 13:00, and this time would not likely be achieved at a walking pace.An aerobic capacity score (VO 2max ) cannot be obtained for mile times greater than 13:00, and this time would not likely be achieved at a walking pace. Higher BMI = Lower Mile Time for HFZ (it’s a fact!)Higher BMI = Lower Mile Time for HFZ (it’s a fact!)
What is VO 2max ? VO 2max, or maximal oxygen uptake, is one factor that can determine an athlete's capacity to perform sustained exercise and is linked to aerobic endurance.VO 2max, or maximal oxygen uptake, is one factor that can determine an athlete's capacity to perform sustained exercise and is linked to aerobic endurance. VO 2max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise.VO 2max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise.
Pushups Objective: To complete as many 90° push-ups as possible at a rhythmic pace. If your arms do not go to 90°, then your pushup will not be counted. You also need to fully extend your arms as you come back up. Knees cannot touch the ground.
Shoulder Stretch Objective: To be able to touch the fingertips together behind the back by reaching over the shoulder and under the elbow.Objective: To be able to touch the fingertips together behind the back by reaching over the shoulder and under the elbow. The shoulder stretch is a simple test of upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel the strength/endurance assessment of that region.The shoulder stretch is a simple test of upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel the strength/endurance assessment of that region.
Trunk Lift Objective: To lift the upper body off the floor using the muscles of the back and hold the position to allow for the measurement.Objective: To lift the upper body off the floor using the muscles of the back and hold the position to allow for the measurement. The maximum measured is 12 inches (you do not have to try to go higher, and hyperextend)The maximum measured is 12 inches (you do not have to try to go higher, and hyperextend) Your head should be maintained in a neutral (straight) alignment with the spine (so you’ll be looking slightly down).Your head should be maintained in a neutral (straight) alignment with the spine (so you’ll be looking slightly down).
5 th, 7 th & 9 th grade test results are sent to the state. This is how your testing results will be sent to your home (after the 7 th grade spring test). Everyone else will use the testing times as practice for 7 th and 9 th grade—it is a PE unit, so it will still count for your grade, no matter what!
Where do I Find the Charts? Go to the FitnessGram website (It’s sponsored by the Cooper Institute). Click on the following links to find:Go to the FitnessGram website (It’s sponsored by the Cooper Institute). Click on the following links to find: Aerobic Capacity Charts for MalesAerobic Capacity Charts for MalesAerobic Capacity Charts for MalesAerobic Capacity Charts for Males Aerobic Capacity Charts for FemalesAerobic Capacity Charts for FemalesAerobic Capacity Charts for FemalesAerobic Capacity Charts for Females BMI ChartsBMI ChartsBMI ChartsBMI Charts Healthy Fitness Zone ChartsHealthy Fitness Zone ChartsHealthy Fitness Zone ChartsHealthy Fitness Zone Charts
References Information compiled from (click the links to go to the websites): The Cooper Institute (FitnessGram) The Cooper Institute (FitnessGram) The Presidential Youth Fitness Program The Presidential Youth Fitness Program"What is VO2 Max?""What is VO2 Max?"