Iran Hutchinson
I work for InterSystems who drives the new NoSQL project. Twitter: #iranic Skype: chatwithiran
… NoSQL Databases Understanding what they are Understanding how to leverage their strengths Understanding their weaknesses Staying away from hype and religious wars Fighting your developer demon
Edgar Frank “Ted” Codd Known for 12 Rules (0 ~ 12) for Relational Data Systems
Rule 1: The information Rule All information is represented in 1 and only 1 way, namely by values in column positions within rows of tables Rule 12: The no subversion Rule If the system provides a low-level (record-at-a- time) interface, then that interface cannot be used to subvert the system i.e. relational security or integrity constraints.
Simple APIs Java Example: Seamless language integration No impedance mismatch Designed to be horizontally scalable (elastic) Flexible data model Majority free and/or Open Source Free and Commercial production support
Proven Available talent / Well-known AD-Hoc querying Scalable (limits?) Free and Commercial production support
Interface for data access Limited horizontal scalability? Impedance mismatches Programming model In-flexible data model
Does not include the underlying data structure. B-tree and B+-trees can be fast and efficient The relational model + SQL can limit B-trees
Class of data management systems inherently Non-relational Distributed Horizontally scalable With optional schemas Providing simple APIs Term Not-Only-SQL recently embraced Dave Kellog’s Blog Post Dave Kellog’s Blog Post
No to ACID No to the impedance mismatch with SQL Dealing with Big Data and Web Scale High prices from RDBMS vendors Use commodity hardware Flexible data models It’s a cool movement ….
NNo RRemember MUMPS? SSET ^Car("Door","Color")="BLUE” RRemember Multi-value/PICK MMATWRITE array.variable ON file.variable,id. …. EEver heard of the NoSQL RDB?
Data Key-ValueDocumentColumnGraph
This depends on your use case. Example es Compare your problems to others. Example:
lists 122 today. Depends on your model selection. Most likely choose well-known project. Don’t forget about shared risk!
Some solutions have no querying When available query languages differ Lack of general AD-Hoc querying – “no” SQL NOTE: Toad for CloudToad for Cloud
Skills Data Model Data format Tools Standards?
Some databases are not as proven Incomplete NoSQL solutions You write a larger data management tier You maintain your business code and infrastructure code You have to customize management and deployment technology and procedures
Know your application Don’t forget the past lessons Consider a hybrid approach Fight the desire to Roll-Your-Own-DB Start small but significant
Two Systems NoSQL + SQL/RDBMS Updates Real-time Asynchronous or Batch NoSQL SQL/RDB MS Data Mapper / Translato r
One system does both NoSQL and SQL Data RelationalKey-ValueDocumentColumnGraph?
InterSystems Caché supports SQL and NoSQL Production NoSQL for 20+ years APIs for.NET, Java, Perl, Python, etc. Expanding paradigms for more use cases. Comes the closest to approach 2 Data RelationalKey-ValueDocumentColumnGraph?
Core of InterSystems Caché Free for development and production Simple APIs Java and JavaScript Sponsored by InterSystems Data ArrayDocument?
Over time I think we will see NoSQL features in mainstream databases NoSQL offerings by more commercial companies Dominant open source / free NoSQL projects New definitions of enterprise databases
Hadoop/Hbase Cassandra MongoDB CouchDB Riak Couchbase Neo4J
InterSystems Caché SimpleDB Azure Table Storage Google App Engine Data Storage Mark Logic Server Infinite Graph Riak (has open source version) Berkely DB