Ms. Young’s 3 rd Grade Class
Contact Info Remind 101 to Leave a message at school. Blog comments
Class Rules Eyes on Ms. Young or Mrs. Zim when she is speaking Follow directions the first time Do your very best Raise your hand silently and wait patiently Respect Ms. Young, Mrs. Zim, classmates, and yourself
Blog Please subscribe!! You have to follow the link to be subscribed. Most communication will be through the blog including daily updates, pictures, homework assignments, etc.
Homework The homework folder needs to be returned on Friday for full points. All electronic homework is also accepted in written form—as long as it is done neatly. Only the answers need to be turned in.
Homework (continued) WTW Spelling patterns ABC sort, Speed Sort, No Peeking Sort, Glue Sort My Math Review of the day’s material Math fluency-Multiplication Madness Reading 20 minutes a night
Homework Form Can be accessed on the blog or printed, signed, and returned Homework Form Homework Form Homework Form
Daily Schedule
Other We will be using a money system this year. Make up work If a test is missed, the student will have a reasonable amount of time to make it up. Not all class experience can be made up at home so other assignments may be given to replace missed class time. Technology requirements Small group work
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