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Learning Objectives Participants will explore: ●the ways schools reinforce social reproduction ●the connections among bias, privilege, and social reproduction, and the achievement / opportunity gap
Community Agreements 1.Stay engaged 2.Speak your truth 3.Listen for understanding 4.Experience discomfort 5.Expect and accept non-closure 6.Maintain confidentiality 7.Withhold judgment (no blame, no shame, no guilt)
Social Reproduction Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D.
Social Reproduction As a suburban, comparatively “wealthy” district... ●Is the MCPASD preparing students for their “proper station in life?” ●Are we “tinkering around the edges?” Why or why not? ●How can we better serve our students of color so that they, too, “overstand?”
Social Reproduction & Statistical Data A student not reading at grade level by the end of 3rd grade is FOUR TIMES LESS LIKELY to graduate from high school on time.
Social Reproduction & Statistical Data This increases to SIX TIMES MORE LIKELY if the student is also from a low-income family.
Social Reproduction & Statistical Data High school dropouts are 63 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be incarcerated than college graduates.
School to Prison Pipeline Video
Connection to Bias & Privilege For homework, you explored INDIVIDUAL bias and privilege. Look at the quotes from the readings. How do bias and privilege appear in our SYSTEM?
Connection to Bias & Privilege As a small group, create a visual representation of the connections among bias, privilege, and social reproduction in education.
For next time... Read Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings’s chapter, “Yes, but How Do We DO it?” Respond to the reading in your equity journal.