2009/2010 DSTP/AYP Review
DSTP and AYP Review Appoquinimink and Statewide Trends AYP Status for Appoquinimink Schools Appoquinimink Key Areas of Focus
2010 DSTP Results
Appoquinimink and Statewide Trends Graphs indicate percentage that meets or exceeds the standard in math and reading for grades 3,5,8, and 10. Two lines, one indicating Appoquinimink’s percentage of students who meet or exceed the standard, the other indicates the State of Delaware’s.
3 rd Grade Reading DSTP
5th Grade Reading DSTP
8 th Grade Reading DSTP
10th Grade Reading DSTP
Grade by Grade Reading Rankings (% Meets) Reading GradeRankDistricts Above Appo 25CR, Cape, IR, Lake Forest 37CR, Cape, IR, Lake Forest, Milford, Woodbridge 43IR, Milford 54IR, Milford, Smyrna 65CR, Cape, IR, Milford 73IR, Milford 81 95IR, Milford, Polytech, Sussex Tech 103Polytech, Sussex Tech
3rd Grade Math DSTP
5th Grade Math DSTP
8th Grade Math DSTP
10th Grade Math DSTP
Grade by Grade Math Rankings (% Meets) Math GradeRankDistricts Above Appo 27Cape, IR, Lake Forest, Milford, Smyrna, Woodbridge 38CR, Cape, IR, Lake Forest, Milford, Smyrna, Woodbridge 44CR, IR, Milford 55 62Milford Delmar, Polytech, Sussex Tech 104Polytech, Red Clay, Sussex Tech
Context is Important: 2009/2010 was a Unique Year Reading Accommodation Changes Shorter Instructional Window due to Unusual Winter Weather (one and a half weeks lost) Professional Development Days Eliminated New Reading Curriculum for Grades 1-6 Higher Percentage of Low Income Students
Percentage of Low Income Students
Relationship between Poverty and DSTP Pass Rates
2010 AYP Determinations
2 Key Factors Impacting AYP Rising Performance Standards Cell Counts
Rising Performance Standards 75% 84%
School Performance
Rising Performance Standards Superior Academic Review
Cell Counts School “A” % Meeting the Standard 2010 Goal All Students85%80% White85%80% Black86%80% Special Education 77% 80% Low Income81%80% School “B” % Meeting the Standard 2010 Goal All Students85%80% White85%80% Black86%80% Special Education 45%80% Low Income75%80% Which School Missed AYP?
MUST HAVE >40 STUDENTS TO COUNT School “A” % Meeting the Standard Number of students Result? All Students85%400GOOD White85%240GOOD Black86%150GOOD Special Education 77%100MISS Low Income81%100GOOD School “B” % Meeting the Standard Number of students Result? All Students85%200GOOD White85%100GOOD Black86%50GOOD Special Education 45%25 DOES NOT COUNT Low Income75%38 DOES NOT COUNT
Statewide AYP-Meeting Schools by Type Type# MeetingTotalPercent Elementary Schools % Middle Schools 33110% High Schools33010%
School/Program Evaluation Demographics (Enrollment; Attendance; Grad. Rate; Ethnicity; Gender; College Attendance) Perceptions (Values, Beliefs, Attitudes Regarding the Learning Environment) Student Learning (Standardized Tests; Norm Referenced Tests; Portfolios; Curriculum Benchmarks) School Processes (Descriptions of School Programs)
MHS: Commendable Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianN/A HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.N/A LowIncomeN/A
AHS: Academic Review Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Below AsianN/A HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.N/A LowIncomeN/A
AGW: Superior Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianMeets HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.Meets LowIncomeMeets
MMS: Academic Progress Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianN/A HispanicMeets WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.Below LowIncomeMeets
RMS: Academic Progress Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianMeets HispanicMeets WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.Below LowIncomeMeets
BHE: Superior Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianN/A HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.N/A LowIncomeMeets
BME: Superior Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianN/A HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.N/A LowIncomeMeets
CLE: Superior Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianN/A HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.N/A LowIncomeMeets
OBL: Superior Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianMeets HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.N/A LowIncomeMeets
SLE: Academic Watch Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.BelowMeets AsianN/A HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.N/A LowIncomeMeets
TES: Superior Subgroup Reading Result Math Result AllMeets Nat. Amer.N/A Af. Amer.Meets AsianN/A HispanicN/A WhiteMeets ELLN/A Spec. Ed.N/A LowIncomeMeets
Percentage Low Income by Appo School
2010 Key Areas of Focus
Appoquinimink Key Areas of Focus New Student Performance Elementary Special Education Performance High Performing Students
The Scope of the Number of New Students Entering For the 2010 DSTP testing session, 6363 students were tested. 661 were not enrolled in Appoquinimink School District last year. That’s roughly 1 in 10 students new to the District, or about 2 or 3 per class.
New Student Reading Performance
New Student Math Performance
Special Education Percentage that Meets the Standard ReadingAppo % MeetsState % Meets Elementary30%42% Middle39%33% High37%21% All35%34% MathAppo % MeetsState % Meets Elementary31%44% Middle35%27% High32%17% All33%31%
Reading National Percentile Ranks Spring 2010 from MAP Assessment
Math National Percentile Ranks Spring 2010 (from MAP Assessment )
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