1 E- Learning and Writing Skills IGGU 1101 Libraries Dr. Sana’a Wafa Al-Sayegh
2 Libraries Traditional Library Vs. e-library e-library Vs. Digital Library e-library Vs. Virtual Library UPI e-library
3 Libraries Traditional Library A traditional library is characterized by the following: 1.Physical items, particularly books and periodicals cataloging 2.browsing based on physical proximity of related materials 3.users must travel to the library to learn what is there and make use of it
4 Libraries Digital library Digital library differs from the traditional library in the following ways: Digitized materials wherever they may be located, with digitization eliminating the need to own or store a physical item Browsing based on hyperlinks, keyword, or any defined measure of relatedness; materials on the same subject do not need to be near one another in any physical sense Users need not visit a digital library except electronically; for them the library exists at any place they can access it, e.g., home, school, office, or in a car Everything Can Be Stored
5 Libraries e-library A collection of articles and reports available for online reading or download.,and those book are e-book collections. Virtual library The worldwide collection of online books, journals and articles available on the Internet.
6 e-Libraries Libraries share a basic mission to provide books and periodicals (magazines, journals, newsletters, newspapers, etc.) as well as electronic databases and Internet access. Kinds of libraries Academic libraries Public libraries School libraries
7 Standard library "layout" Reference Book collections Periodicals Microforms Audiovisual materials Documents Archives/special collections
8 Locating library Materials Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Library of Congress Classification (LC) The Superintendent of Documents Classification (for government documents).
9 Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) The DDC is used primarily in public and school libraries. It is a hierarchical, numerical, subject-based system, meaning materials on the same subject are shelved together. Broad subject groups are reflected in the numbers found at the beginning of the call numbers for example: 100s represent philosophy and psychology 200s represent religion Dewey Decimal numbers are usually noted on one line in online catalogs.
10 Library of Congress Classification System (LC) LC is used primarily in academic libraries. Like DDC, materials on the same subject are shelved together. Broad subject groups are identified by the letter or letters found at the beginning of the call numbers; for example: A represents general works B represents Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
11 Superintendent of Documents Classification System (SuDoc) Used to arrange publications of agencies of the United States government. This hierarchical system is not subject based. Call numbers represent the government agencies that publish the materials. The initial letter or letters signify the department or agency that issued the document.