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Any book with pictures Book levels range from 0.2 through 7.0- not just easy 0. and 1. books are shelved separately for easier searching
Chapter books- no pictures Range in book level from 1.0’s to 10 and 11.’s Shelved in alphabetical (ABC) order by author’s last name
True facts about real like stuff- for example, snakes, whales, motorcycles… Numbered according to the Dewey Decimal System Shelved by numbers starting with 000 and ending with 999 Jokes, riddles, and poems are included in this group
Computers- We have 8 computers to use for catalog or OPAC and Research.
Biographies- We have a large section of books written about famous people. When someone writes a book about someone else it is called a biography. When someone writes a book about themselves, it is called an autobiography. Reference- We have a section of encyclopedias and other reference materials that can be used in the library but not checked out for home.
How to choose a book 1. Look at the cover: Title, author, awards, pictures 2. Read the back of the book and inside of the flap front/back- info on the author. 3. Info in the front: Table of contents, Copyright page. 4. Synopsis- summary 5. Read first page or two.