Research At the Library
Nicky Quinby Farr Library Young Adult & Reference Librarian
Resources At The Library 1. Non-fiction Section (Because books are still the best!) 2. Periodicals & Newspapers 3. Reference Section 4. Internet 5. Databases
1. Non-Fiction: The Dreaded Dewey Decimal System It’s SIMPLE, I swear. Numbers Indicate Subject Areas 400-Language 500-Science and Math 700-Art 800-Literature 900-Geography & History
2. Periodicals & Newspapers (What’s the difference between a periodical and a magazine??) Great Sources (especially when you’re trying to use anything but Internet sources). Current Periodicals & Newspapers Periodicals up to 3 years Newspapers up to 2 months Anything else might be on a database.
Peer Reviewed or NOT - What Difference Does It Make? Peer Reviewed really means that experts in the field have read all the articles and have approved them. That’s a big GREEN LIGHT for you.
3. Reference Section There are many, many books in the Reference Section. It intimidates me. Down Side-No Check out! Possible to find some resources in the normal Non-Fiction Section.
Things in the Reference Section (Cont.) Encyclopedias (World Book, Religion) Contemporary Literary Criticism MLA Guidelines & Literary Terms (YAY!) Contemporary Authors History (Medieval History, Political Parties, etc.) Flowers, Cars, Stamps, Other weird things.
4. Internet at the Library Need a library card 60 Minute Internet (can be extended if you’re sweet) Databases Available on Our Site Database only computers available
Why Do Your Teachers Hate the Internet? So many Internet sites don’t offer valid information. Librarians can help. Really. These are some things to think about: Author Access Accuracy Content Currency Documentation Goals of the Site
Examples of Bad Sites
5. Library Databases A database is a “collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval”. OR, it’s a bunch of articles from mags, newspapers, and journals in one place. Someone put all that info into one spot to make your research easier.
Databases (Cont.) Easy to search (well, most of them are…) So many different choices! Academic Search Premier Article First EBSCO (Middlesearch Plus, Newspaper Source, New World Encyclopedia) FirstSearch Gale Literary Databases National Newspaper Index Worldbook Online Encyclopedia The following example uses the database EBSCO.
Using Keywords & Boolean Searches You have to know HOW to search. Syntax Matters Quotes Keep Phrases Together Boolean Searches-AND, OR, NOT
If you don’t find what you need, try and try again!
YAY for you.