Technical Report Writing Lecture 09
Technical Communication Is the process of transmitting facts and information to a defined audience for a specific purpose. Technical writers present information in science, electronics, or other technical areas on a professional level, backed up by data and facts, so that the information is complete and accurate.
Example We are surrounded by technical information At the back of any common frozen-food carton a marvel of verbal efficiency and visual layout can be found, that contains everything you need to know about the product. ▫Preparation instructions ▫Ingredient list ▫Nutiriton facts ▫Pictures of prepared product ▫Serving sugestions ▫Marketing information ▫A bar code for grocery store scanners ▫Safety warning ▫Recycling information All carefully worded and laid out so they are succinct, accurate, visible and understandable.
Factors to consider in technical writing Audience ▫Managers, co-workers, customer, clients, general public or any combination of these. Purpose ▫To inform, explain, describe, persuade or record your actions Format Reports, record keeping forms, instructions or correspondence, or presentations Style ▫Language, organization and Layout Preferences of Technical Readers Style guides
Audience The first step is to focus on audience, while studying, your audience is your professor or possibly your class mates. In work place audience need to be analyzed more carefully, this can be done by asking the following three questions: ▫1. What does the audience already know about the subject? ▫2. What does the audience want to know? ▫3. what does the audience intend to do with the information?
What does the audience already know about the subject In communication the “audience” is the person or group of people whom you expect to read your information. They can be largely grouped under ▫Technical audience ▫Semi technical audience ▫Nontechnical audience
Technical audience Practitioners in your field Those with the same technical experience and training A technical audience understands fundamental concepts and jargon without definitions or background information Readers expect the writer to use technical language efficiently and appropriately For this audience, writers use technical terms and precise data to convey information
Semi Technical audience Has some technical training or works in the industry, but not directly in the field. They require some explanation of concepts, abbreviations and jargon. Writers use technical terms only if they are common in the company or industry You might have to provide an orientation to the subject and explain or interpret the terms and information.
Nontechnical audience General public, an unknown audience, or any combination of technical, semi-, and nontechincal readers. Might also include upper management – a group that is uninvolved with technical activities, but that must have enough information to make decisions for the company. This audience expects a clear organization that progresses from the background to the new information, with examples or illustrations to explain points that may be confusing.
What does the audience want to know Highlights of the information Detailed information Exact procedures for a process
What does the audience intend to do with the information Purpose ▫General interest ▫Follow a procedure ▫Solve a problem ▫Make a decision Writers must anticipate questions and provide the organization and details this audience needs